Approval: Jennifer Strus, Assistant Secretary

Original Date: January 31, 2016

Policy Review: January 31, 2020


This policy applies to all Children's Administration (CA) staff.


DCFS administrative approvals are requested when a policy indicates an administrative approval is required, exception to a policy is needed, or to provide reimbursement /supports to a licensed caregiver beyond what the foster care rate assessment or policy allows.


  1. Approval requests are only for exceptions to a policy, exceptional cost foster care reimbursement, or when a policy requires an administrative approval.
  2. Approval requests must be submitted on DCFS Administrative Approval Request form DCYF 05-210
  3. Exceptional cost foster care is only approved when the foster care rate assessment is completed and the support or supervision for the child needed goes beyond what the rate assessment can provide.
  4. Exceptional cost foster care requests must be submitted on a DCFS Administrative Approval Request form DCYF 05-210.
  5. Exceptional Cost Foster Care Plans (ECP):
    1. Are developed for placements intended to be permanent or beyond thirty days when a child in out-of-home care has extreme physical, medical, emotional or intellectual impairments, and the licensed caregivers are providing intensive supervision or extra supports to meet the child’s exceptional needs.
    2. Must only be considered when all other sources of financial or other supports have been explored to meet the special needs of the child.
    3. Must be reviewed by the assigned CA caseworker and supervisor at the time the foster care rate assessment is completed.Approval by the regional administrator or designee is required to initiate or maintain the plan and payment.
    4. May be backdated up to, but not exceed, 30 days. Approval must be granted before a payment can be made.
    5. Not required for crisis or emergent placements (Emergent placements are less than 30 days).


  1. Approval Request
    The assigned caseworker must:
    1. Determine if an approval request is needed. Requests may include, but are not limited to:
      1. Policy requirements (4533. Behavior Rehabilitation Services, etc.) 
      2. Camps
      3. Additional funding allowed in policy, but not requiring an Exceptional Cost Foster Care Plan
      4. Exceptions to a policy
      5. Respite
      6. Caregiver supports
      7. Childcare services
      8. Exceptional Cost Foster Care Plans
    2. Complete and submit a DCFS Administrative Approval Request form DCYF 05-210 when policy requires it or when an exception to a policy is needed.
    3. Send a completed DCFS Administrative Approval Request form DCYF 05-210 for review and approval to the supervisor, area administrator, regional administrator or designee.   
    4. Once approved, upload the document into FamLink.
  2. Exceptional Cost Foster Care Plans (ECP) 
    The assigned caseworker must:
    1. Complete and submit a DCFS Administrative Approval Request form DCYF 05-210 when a placement is to continue beyond 30 days, and a foster parent needs exceptional reimbursement for supervision or support for a child with exceptional needs. 
    2. Request an ECP reimbursement only for foster care reimbursement and not to pay for contracted services such as, but not limited to: case aides, counseling etc.
    3. Complete all required fields on DCFS Administrative Approval Request form DCYF 05-210.
    4. Only state to a licensed caregiver that an ECP request will be submitted. The worker should not pay the ECP prior to approval.

Forms and Tools

DCFS Administrative Approval Request form DCYF 05-210