Approval:  Connie Lambert-Eckel, Acting Assistant Secretary

Original Date: September 31, 1995

Revised Date: October 19, 2017

Policy Review: October 19, 2020

Purpose Statement

To guide Children’s Administration (CA) caseworkers in identification of Sexually Aggressive Youth (SAY), removing the SAY identification, and providing the needed supervision and services to meet the youth’s needs.


This policy applies to CA staff.


RCW 13.34  Juvenile Court Act - Dependency and Termination of Parent - Child Relationship

RCW 74.13.075 Sexually Aggressive Youth - Defined

RCW 26.44.160 Allegations that child under twelve committed sex offense - Investigation - Referral to prosecuting attorney - Referral to department - Referral for treatment.


  1. Regions must have at least one SAY committee. The SAY committee determines SAY identification/removal, youth's eligibility for SAY funded resources as outlined in RCW 74.13.075, and provides quality assurance oversight.
  2. Each region must have regional SAY leads responsible for oversight of the SAY committees and communicating committee decisions to the caseworker.
  3. Caseworkers must refer youth who are the subject of a proceeding under RCW 13.34 or a child welfare proceeding held before a tribal court, who are suspected to have demonstrated sexually aggressive or inappropriate sexual behaviors to the regional SAY committee to determine if a SAY identification is appropriate.
  4. For identification as SAY, youth must be eight years or older and meet one of the following criteria:
    1. The regional SAY committee has or has previously approved the youth for SAY funded treatment.
    2. The regional SAY committee has determined the youth meets the definition of SAY as defined in RCW 74.13.075.
    3. A valid record exists documenting the youth has been found guilty in a court of law for a sexual offense.
  5. All requests for SAY funding must be approved by the regional SAY committee. The caseworker must submit a new request to the SAY committee every six months for continued funding.
  6. Prior to youth being identified as SAY, the regional SAY committee may approve funding for an evaluation to help determine SAY identification and appropriate treatment needs.
  7. Placement of youth identified as SAY:
    1. SAY identified prior to being placed:
      1. Licensed caregivers must complete the CA approved SAY training prior to placement.
      2. Unlicensed caregivers must complete the CA approved SAY training within 30 days of placement.
    2. SAY identified while in a placement:
      1. Licensed and unlicensed caregivers must complete the CA approved SAY training as soon as possible, but no later than 30 calendar days, after the youth is identified as SAY.
    3. Caseworkers must verify that caregivers have completed the CA approved SAY training.
    4. If caregivers have not completed the CA approved SAY training, caseworkers must:
      1. Provide caregivers with information on where and how to access the training.
      2. Discuss the training requirement with the caregiver and document in the electronic case file the date the caregiver agrees to complete the training.
      3. Verify completion of the CA SAY training.
  8. Priority for SAY funds must go to dependent youth. However, non-dependent youth (i.e. Children in Need of Services, Voluntary Placement Agreement, Etc.) may receive SAY services.
  9. Referrals from prosecutors or law enforcement for SAY services will be investigated for abuse and neglect. See 2331. CPS Investigation policy.
  10. Polygraph testing can only be provided or funded for youth identified as SAY if a court orders the test. A plethysmograph will not be approved or funded.


Caseworker must:

  1. Complete the SAY Determination Referral DSHS form 15-399 when seeking determination or removal of SAY identification or authorization of SAY funding. Referrals must include:
    1. A detailed description of the youth's sexually aggressive or inappropriate behaviors.
    2. Any other relevant information necessary to determine SAY identification and funding needs, including a completed Request for Authorization of SAY Funds DSHS form 15-399A.
    3. An uploaded copy of the Youth Supervision Plan DSHS form 15-352  in FamLink (when applicable).
  2. Complete the approved Youth Supervision Plan DSHS 15-352  in FamLink:
    1. Ensure the Regional SAY Committee has reviewed and approved the Youth Supervision Plan before implementing for youth identified as SAY.
    2. Review the Youth Supervision Plan DSHS form 15-352 with the caregiver.
    3. Identify with the caregiver any training, support or consultation they need as part of the supervision plan.
    4. Obtain the caregiver’s signature prior to placement, but no later than 72-hours after placement and document the plan in a FamLink Case Note within seven calendar days.
    5. Upload the signed Youth Supervision Plan DSHS form 15-352 into FamLink.  
    6. Provide a copy of the signed Youth Supervision Plan DSHS form 15-352 to the caregiver. 
    7. Notify the DLR Licensor via email a signed plan has been completed.
    8. Review the youth supervision plan at least every six months with caregiver and supervisor. Update as needed.
  3. Complete a referral to and provision of an appropriate and comprehensive evaluation, treatment and supplemental services by a CA contracted SAY provider as approved by the Regional SAY Committee.
  4. Coordinate services and Youth Supervision Plan with the SAY contracted provider, youth's caregiver and, if applicable, Juvenile Rehabilitation or county probation.
  5. Document the SAY Warning Indicator in FamLink on the Person Management page, within seven calendar days of the Regional SAY committee identifying a youth as SAY.
  6. Request reauthorization of SAY funding from the Regional SAY Committee every six months. Submit DSHS form 15-399 and DSHS form 15-399A  and include the following information with the request:
    1. SAY provider quarterly reports;
    2. New documented incidents of inappropriate sexual behaviors;
    3. Supervision Plan; and
    4. Other new evaluations or reports that are important to determine SAY funding needs.

Forms and Tools

Youth Supervision Plan form DSHS 15-352

SAY Determination Referral form DSHS-15-399

Request for Authorization of SAY Funds DSHS form 15-399A


Youth Supervision Plan Tips

4413 Placement Services

SAY On-Line Training video