Original Date:  1974

Revised Date:  July 1, 2024

Sunset Review Date:  July 31, 2028

Approved by:  Ruben Reeves, Assistant Secretary of Licensing Division


The purpose of this policy is to state how the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) Licensing Division (LD) licenses and re-evaluates foster homes to safeguard the safety and well-being of children in out-of-home care by assessing and monitoring their compliance with minimum licensing requirements (MLR).


This policy applies to Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) employees.


RCW 13.34.065  Shelter care-Hearing-Recommendation as to further need-Release

RCW 43.20A.205  Denial, suspension, revocation, or modification of license 

RCW 74.13.260  On-Site monitoring program

RCW 74.15.020  Definitions

RCW 74.15.040  Licenses for foster family homes required, Inspections

RCW 74.15.100  License application, issuance, duration, Reclassification, Location Changes

RCW 74.15.110  Renewal of Licenses

RCW 74.15.120  Initial Licenses

RCW 74.15.127  Expedited foster licensing process

RCW 74.15.130  Licenses, Denial, suspension, revocation modification, Procedures, Adjudicative proceedings, Penalties

RCW 74.15.140  Action against licensed or unlicensed agencies authorized


  1. When children and youth are placed with qualified relatives and suitable person caregivers:
    LD workers must: 
    1. Issue initial licenses to them for the children or youth in the care and authority of:
      1. The department when the: 
        1. Caregivers agree to the initial license.
        2. NCIC checks are started for all household members 16 years and older.
        3. Home Inspection Checklist (Kinship) DCYF 10-453 form is signed and verified.
        4. Placement Agreement DCYF 15-281 form is signed and verified.
      2. Tribal courts when the tribes request an initial license and the requirements in RCW 74.15.120 are verified. 
    2. Issue initial licenses: 
      1. For a maximum of 90 days. No extensions are allowed. 
      2. To include the youngest child’s or youth’s age up to the oldest child’s or youth’s age at the 90-day expiration date. 
    3. Close the current initial license and issue a new initial license when:
      1. Additional children or youth are placed in the home.
      2. The required documents for an initial license are verified. 
    4. Issue a new initial license when the original initial license has been closed and no kinship license or foster license has been issued when:
      1. Additional children or youth are placed in the home.
      2. The required documents for an initial license are verified. 
    5. Place the caregiver on a “Voluntary No Referral” in FamLink once the license has been issued. 
    6. Approve or deny initial licenses in writing. 
    7. Notify caseworkers if the initial license is denied. 
    8. Complete the full kinship license process within 90 days of the initial license being issued. 
  2. New Foster Home Licenses and Renewals 
    1. Licenses: 
      1. Are issued for a maximum of three years.
      2. Will be issued or denied in writing.
    2. LD workers must: 
      1. Follow the Completing the Home Study policy.
      2. Interact with the applicants in a manner that is culturally competent.
      3. Have a discussion about cultural awareness and competency with the foster parents to educate them on the importance of meeting the child’s cultural needs.
      4. Confirm that all WAC 110-148 requirements are met before a foster home license is issued and maintained throughout the duration of the license.
      5. Verify foster parents and their household members meet the immunization requirements or have an approved medical exemption per WAC 110-148-1320.   
      6. Assess the physical setting of the applicant’s property and premises to determine if the residence meets MLR.
  3. Provisional Expedited Foster Care Licenses
    Individuals applying for a provisional expedited license must meet the following requirements: 
    1. Held a foster care license in the last five years that was not closed due to a denial, revocation or an agreement to relinquish.
    2. Resides in the same home in which the applicant was licensed and no additional individuals have moved into the home.
    3. Seeking a license from the same agency with which they were previously licensed and the agency agrees to supervise the home.
    4. Passed a new fingerprint-based background check for all household members age 16 years and older before the expedited license is issued.
  4. Foster Home Moves 
    1. When a licensed foster family with an acceptable history of child care notifies LD workers they have moved into a new residence, the family remains intact, and:
      1. Children are placed in the home, foster parents may continue providing care under their previous license for 30 calendar days from the move date. 
      2. Children are not currently placed in the home, a foster family’s license may remain open for 90 calendar days from the move date. 
      3. If notification is received after the required timeframe, consult with supervisor.
    2. LD worker must visit the family’s new home to determine if MLRs are met within 30 calendar days from:
      1. The date of the move when children are placed in the home. 
      2. Notification when children are not placed in the home. 
    3. Foster home moves are completed as an amended license and have the same expiration date as the current license.
  5. Modifications must be completed when the license capacity (age, gender, or number) is modified due to change in household members, adoption, licensee request or through shared decision-making.
  6. Foster Home Change in Circumstance 
    1. Foster parents must have their suitability reassessed when there has been a change in their circumstances that affects their ability to parent.
    2. Changes in circumstances will result in the completion of the Foster Home Re-Assessment DCYF 10-405 form, license modification or a new three-year license. LD workers must discuss the situation with a supervisor to determine which of these licensing actions to complete.
    3. Foster parents must apply for a new license when there is a change in circumstance due to the absence or presence of an additional caregiver.
    4. Changes to the license with or without the licensee’s approval require written notification of the licensee’s appeal rights unless the changes occur at license renewal.
  7. Waivers are: 
    1. Required when LD workers support an exception to the MLR. They are time limited, usually child-specific, and may compromise federal funding for all children placed in the home or facility.
    2. Not required when the MLR allows for DCYF discretion.
    3. Approved by the LD senior administrator or designee. If the waiver impacts federal funds, then it must be approved by the LD senior administrator and the CW regional administrator or designee.
  8. Administrative Approvals: 
    1. Are required when LD workers support an exception to the MLR, are approved by LD area administrators (AA), and the WAC permits the exception.
    2. Do not result in the loss of federal funding.
  9. Relative Non-Safety Exemptions: 
    1. Must only be used for licensed relatives. Relatives are defined in RCW 74.15.020 (2a). A waiver must be completed for an unrelated foster parent or suitable other when LD workers support an exception to a WAC.
    2. Must only be used for WACs identified on the Licensing Division Administrative Approval, Waiver, Relative Non-Safety Exemption, and Overcapacity Tip Sheet. When the WAC is not identified, a waiver must be completed.
    3. Are approved by the LD senior administrator or designee. Relative non-safety exemptions do not result in a loss of federal funding.
  10. Health and Safety Monitoring
    LD workers or designees must annually monitor a random sample of no less than 10 percent of their total state licensed foster homes by July 1st of each year.


  1. LD Kinship Notification Unit (KNU) must complete the following after receiving the:
    1. FamLink 10-day notification of placement:
      1. Verify with caseworkers whether the:
        1. Child or youth is still in the home. If not, notify NCIC as outlined in the Background Checks policy.
        2. Initial license is court ordered.
      2. Review the following forms for completion under “file upload” in the child’s or youth’s FamLink case, the: 
        1. Home Inspection Checklist (Kinship) DCYF 10-453
        2. Placement Agreement DCYF 15-281
      3. Request the following, as needed:
        1. Additional NCIC background checks on additional household members.
        2. Background checks on additional 16 and 17 year old household members as outlined in the Background Checks policy. 
        3. Completed forms listed in Procedures Section 1.a.ii from the caseworker.
        4. Social Service Payment System (SSPS) number from the SSPS unit.
      4. Create an intake for the caregiver into WA CAP and immediately assign them to the LD Assessment and the Administrative Support Team.
      5. Complete Kinship License Process Map steps 5-8. 
      6. Review completed documents and determine if the initial license can be issued. If the requirements for the initial license:
        1. Are validated: 
          1. Update background check tab with a 90-day expiration date from when the initial license will be approved. 
          2. Launch and approve the initial license in FamLink for 90 days.
          3. Place the initial license on a “Voluntary No Referral” in FamLink.
          4. Apply the initial license tag in WA CAP. 
          5. Inform caregivers:
            1. Of the 90-day expiration date using the New License Letter (Initial License) DCYF 10-429D form.
            2. How to:
              1. Access:
                1. Reimbursement
                2. Direct deposit
                3. Provider portal
              2. Update status if they are receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) by contacting the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Community Service Office (CSO)
          6. Email a screenshot of the approved license to the:
            1. Fiduciary supervisor
            2. Caseworker
            3. Caseworker’s supervisor 
        2. Cannot be validated, notify assigned LD assessment worker and follow Procedures Section 3.a.ii.
    2. Request for an initial license from a tribe, review and determine if the:
      1. Initial license may be issued. If the requirements for the initial license:
        1. Are validated: 
          1. Launch and approve the initial license in FamLink for 90 days.
          2. Place the initial license on a “Voluntary No Referral” in FamLink.
          3. Inform the caregiver of the 90-day expiration date using the New License Letter (Initial License Tribal Dependent) DCYF 10-429E form.
          4. Email a screenshot of the approved license to the:
            1. Fiduciary supervisor
            2. Tribal payment only (TPO) worker
            3. Tribal worker
        2. Cannot be validated, reply to the initial license request email and inform the requestee. 
      2. Caregiver is:
        1. Seeking a kinship license through the: 
          1. Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) or Tribal Child Placing Agency (CPA) and assign the caregiver in FamLink to a Regional Licensor. 
          2. Department, follow Procedure Section 1.d and 1.e. 
        2. Not seeking a kinship license assign the caregiver to the regional contact. 
  2. LD workers with caregivers of tribally dependent youth will track the 90-day expiration date and notify the following if the kinship license has not been approved by the expiration date on the 90th day, the: 
    1. Fiduciary supervisor
    2. TPO worker 
    3. Tribal worker
  3. LD assessment workers must complete the following when assigned in WA CAP:
    1. Verify if the initial license was issued in FamLink. If the initial license was:
      1. Issued, complete the license process for a kinship license, as outlined in the Kinship License Process Map.
      2. Not issued, continue to work with the:
        1. Caseworker to validate the requirements for the initial license when the requirements are met:
          1. Launch and approve the initial license in FamLink for 90 days.
          2. Place the initial license on a “Voluntary No Referral” in FamLink.
          3. Apply the initial license tag in WA CAP.
          4. Inform the caregiver of the 90-day expiration date using the New License Letter (Initial License) DCYF 10-429D form.
          5. Email a screenshot of the approved license to the:
            1. Fiduciary supervisor
            2. Caseworker
            3. Caseworker’s supervisor
        2. Family and complete the license process for a kinship license, as outlined in the Kinship License Process Map.
      3. Denied, notify the caseworker and their supervisor in writing and proceed with denial of the kinship license following the Kinship License Process Map.
    2. Track the 90-day expiration date. If the kinship license has not been approved by the expiration date on the 90th day, notify the following: 
      1. Fiduciary supervisor
      2. Caseworker
      3. Caseworker’s supervisor
  4. New Foster Home Licenses:
    LD workers must: 
    1. Verify that a Family Home Study Application DCYF 10-354 form has been received
    2. Complete background checks:
      1. Complete background checks on individuals age 16 years and older, including those living on the premises, and other requirements in the Background Checks policy.
      2. Discuss with supervisor to determine if household members under the age of 16 years old needs to complete a background check to verify safety of children placed in a licensed home per the Background Checks policy.
    3. Complete a FamLink person search and DCYF file review on all persons, regardless of any age living in the home, or are being cleared to provide substitute care for children.
    4. Open a pending "Full" license in FamLink.
    5. Complete the home study and required forms.
    6. Determine if the applicants have sufficient income to meet their family’s personal needs without reliance on foster care payments, per WAC 388-478-0015.
    7. Verify completion of: 
      1. The WAC Agreements DCYF 10-290 form.
      2. The Inquiry to the Tribe 09-539 DCYF form and that documentation is provided, if applicable.
      3. Orientation, Caregiver Core Training, First Aid/CPR/Blood-Borne Pathogens training, and Tuberculosis (TB) test. 
      4. All requirements on the File Checklist (Foster License) DCYF 10-182 form, and that the home meets the MLR.
    8. Verify:
      1. Foster parents caring for medically fragile children or children under the age of two years and all household members have provided documentation of current pertussis and annual influenza vaccinations. If foster parents or household members request a medical exemption, the LD worker must:
        1. Notify foster parents that exceptions to the immunization requirements may only be granted if an immunization is contrary to an individual’s health. 
        2. Provide the Applicant and Household Member Vaccination Certification DCYF 10-565 form to foster parents to give to their licensed health care providers to complete.
        3. Document receipt of completed forms in a provider note.
        4. Retain copies in the licensing file.
      2. Documentation has been received for all household member’s children living in their foster home, not including children in out-of-home placement. The documentation must show the children meet the Recommended Child & Adolescent Immunization Schedule (RCAIS). If foster parents request medical exemptions to a children’s immunization required by the RCAIS, LD workers must: 
        1. Notify foster parents that exceptions to the immunization requirements may only be granted if an immunization is contrary to the child’s health. 
        2. Provide the Household Children Vaccination DCYF 15-455 form to the foster parents to give to the children’s licensed health care providers to complete. 
        3. Document receipt of completed forms in a provider note.
        4. Retain copies in the licensing file.
    9. Document the following in FamLink on the provider’s “General” tab in the “License Information” group box: 
      1. Select “Full” license as the “Type.”
      2. The “Date Issued” is the date the foster home license is approved and the “Expiration Date” is three years’ minus one day from the “Date Issued.”
      3. Select the “Approve” radio button in the “License Recommendation” group box to obtain supervisor approval.
    10. Provide a paper copy of the Foster Home License DCYF 10-010 form, New License Letter DCYF 10-429, and Foster Parent Identification (ID) cards to the foster parent following supervisor approval.
    11. Notify the placement desk when a general foster home or foster-to-adopt home has been licensed.
  5. Provisional Expedited Foster Home Licenses:
    When a provisional expedited license applications are received, LD workers must: 
    1. Verify applicants meet the requirements to be eligible for a provisional expedited license.
    2. Read closing provider notes and provider actions in FamLink to verify the foster home license was not closed with recommendations for necessary evaluations, services or trainings:
      1. If the home was closed with recommendations for necessary evaluations, services or trainings a staffing is required with the supervisor, If the supervisor approves a “no referral” being placed on the provisional expedited foster care license:
        1. LD workers must notify the applicant that DCYF will not be placing children into their home until a full license has been approved by following the no referral process in Procedures Section 16.
      2. The applicant may choose to withdraw the provisional expedited application and submit a new license application.
    3. Send the Engagement Letter Expedited License 15-433A form with the application packet to the applicant.
    4. Verify that a completed Family Home Study Application DCYF 10-354 form has been received.
    5. Complete background checks on individuals age 16 and older, including those living on the premises, and other requirements in the Background Checks policy.
    6. Discuss with the supervisor to determine if household members under the age of 16 years need to complete a background check to verify safety of a child placed in a licensed home. See Background Checks policy.
    7. Complete a FamLink person search and DCYF file review on all persons, regardless of any age living in the home, or are being cleared to provide substitute care for children.
    8. Complete the Household Safety Inspection for Unlicensed Placements DCYF 10-453 form or Foster Home Inspection Checklist DCYF 10-183 form within seven calendar days of receiving the application for the provisional expedited license.
    9. Verify WAC Agreements DCYF 10-290 have been submitted.
    10. Verify the File Checklist (Provisional Expedited License) DCYF 10-182B form has been completed.
    11. Enter the capacity for the license in FamLink by verifying the following: 
      1. The number of children cannot be more than the capacity they had when they were previously licensed.
      2. If a caregiver moved out of the home the capacity cannot be more than what is allowed by MLR.
      3. If children who were previously in the home when licensed have since been adopted or are in a guardianship, reduce the number from their previous license capacity.
    12. Document the following in FamLink on the provider’s “General” tab in the “License Information” group box: 
      1. Select “Expedited” license as the “Type.”
      2. Select the “Approve” radio button in the “License Recommendation” group box to obtain supervisor approval.
      3. The “Date Issued” is the date the provisional expedited license is approved and the “Expiration Date” is three months’ minus one day from the “Date Issued.” If the foster home license is not completed within 90 calendar days, close the license unless the applicant has made significant progress to complete their full foster home license and the AA approves the second provisional expedited license.
      4. Open a new pending “Full” license the day after the provisional expedited license was approved.
    13. Upon supervisor approval, issue the New Provisional Expedited License Letter DCYF 10-429A and a paper copy of the Provisional Expedited Foster Home License DCYF 10-010A within seven calendar days of requirements being met.
    14. Notify the IV-E specialist that this home does not meet MLR. DCYF cannot claim IV-E funds until a full license is issued on the home.
  6. After the Provisional Expedited Foster Home License is issued:
    The LD worker must: 
    1. Follow the New Foster Home License procedures 1.d.-m.
    2. Verify that all licensing application materials have been submitted by the applicant within 14 calendar days of receipt of the application.
    3. Determine the expiration date of the full license in FamLink. The expiration date documented in FamLink is three years minus one day. The start date is the day after the provisional expedited license was closed.
    4. Notify IV-E specialists when homes become fully licensed.
  7. Renewals of Foster Home Licenses
    LD workers must: 
    1. Send a re-application packet to the licensee 120 calendar days before the license expires. For applications received before the expiration date, the license remains in effect until LD completes the renewal. The packet must include the following documents: 
      1. Family Home Study Application DCYF 10-354
      2. Background Authorizations DCYF 09-653
      3. Financial Worksheet DCYF 14-452
      4. WAC Agreements DCYF 10-290
      5. Emergency Evacuation Plan DCYF 16-204
    2. Send the Foster Care License Renewal Notice DCYF 10-436 form.
    3. Track the expiration dates and demonstrate diligent efforts to assist families to renew.
    4. Notify foster parents at least two weeks before the license expires that placement and payment will be stopped if their foster care application is not received before the license expiration date.
    5. Contact the licensee and assist in obtaining an application, if the foster parents intend to renew and an application has not been received within one day of the license expiration date. 
    6. Close the license if a signed application is not received by the license expiration date. If there are children placed in the foster home, LD workers must notify caseworkers that the license has been closed.
    7. Complete an updated home study in FamLink if the family is planning to adopt within the next twelve months.
    8. Complete additional forms depending on the changes in family circumstances. Forms include, but are not limited to: 
      1. Financial Worksheet DCYF 14-452
      2. Applicant Medical Report DCYF 13-001
      3. Licensing and Safety Supervision Plan for Site Specific Conditions DCYF 10-419, as applicable.
    9. Require applicants to provide additional information or complete an evaluation when concerns are identified during the interview or on the renewal paperwork. Evaluations required are at the foster parent’s expense.
    10. Obtain releases signed by applicants to allow information sharing before, during, and after the evaluation.
    11. Provide all information to the evaluator related to the worker’s concern.
    12. Complete background checks on individuals age 16 years and older, including those living on the premises, and other requirements in the Background Checks policy.
    13. Discuss with the supervisor to determine if a household member under the age of 16 years needs to complete a background check to verify safety of a child placed in a licensed home per the Background Checks policy.
    14. Complete a FamLink person search and DCYF file review on all persons, regardless of any age living in the home, or are being cleared to provide substitute care for children.
    15. Complete the following required forms: 
      1. File Checklist (Foster License) DCYF 10-182
      2. Foster Home Inspection Checklist DCYF 10-183 
      3. Foster Home Re-Assessment DCYF 10-405
      4. Licensing and Safety Supervision Plan for Site Specific Conditions DCYF 10-419, as applicable.
      5. Document individual training plan for the next renewal period. Worker may use the Individual Training Plan DCYF 06-166.
    16. Confirm the completion of required foster parent training. See Foster Parent Training policy.
    17. Approve or deny the license in writing following the supervisor’s review of the license per Adverse Action on a Foster Care License policy.
    18. Provide a paper copy of the Renewal License Letter DCYF 10-431, the Foster Parent Rights and Responsibilities, and Foster Parent ID Cards to the foster parent following supervisor approval.
  8. Foster Home Moves
    1. LD workers or CPA Licensor must: 
      1. Obtain a Family Home Study Application DCYF 10-354 form.
      2. Assess the physical setting and issue an amended license when all MLRs are met.
      3. Complete the following forms: 
        1. Foster Home Re-Assessment DCYF 10-405 
        2. File Checklist (Foster License) DCYF 10-182
        3. Foster Home Inspection Checklist DCYF 10-183
        4. Emergency  Evacuation Plan DCYF 16-204  
        5. Licensing and Safety Supervision Plan for Site Specific Conditions DCYF 10-419, as applicable. 
    2. LD workers must place the home on no referral status if children or youth are not placed in the home upon notification. 
    3. LD workers may issue a new three-year license in lieu of amending the license, if the license expires within six months of the move. The renewal paperwork is required to complete the license.
  9. Modifications to Foster Home Licenses
    LD workers must: 
    1. Verify the home and applicants meets MLR.
    2. Conduct a site visit and complete an additional assessment if the modification is significantly different from the original assessment.
    3. Provide the foster parent with written notice of the modification using the Revised License Letter DCYF 10-430 to inform them of their appeal rights even if the applicant requested the modification per RCW 43.20A.205.
    4. Issue a modified license if appropriate. If a modification is granted, the expiration date of the license is the same as the current license.
  10. Foster Home Change in Circumstance
    1. LD workers must: 
      1. Conduct interviews or obtain additional information from the licensee when re-assessing the suitability of the applicants to care for children in out-of-home care.  
      2. Document the information by updating the home study in FamLink or on the Foster Home Re-Assessment DCYF 10-405 form.
    2. LD workers may modify the license at any time during licensure depending on the circumstances, evaluation of the LD workers, or by request of the licensee.
  11. Waivers
    LD workers must: 
    1. Submit a Licensing Division Waiver/Administrative Approval/Relative Non-Safety Exemption DCYF 15-411 form to the LD senior administrator or designee when requesting a waiver.
    2. Upload the signed form in FamLink.
    3. Notify IV-E specialists of all approved waivers.
  12. Administrative Approvals
    LD workers must: 
    1. Verify an administrative approval can be completed for the specific WAC by using the LD Administrative Approval, Waiver, and Overcapacity Tip Sheet.
    2. Submit a Licensing Division Waiver/Administrative Approval/Relative Non-Safety Exemption DCYF 15-411 form to the LD AA.
    3. Upload the signed form in FamLink.
  13. Relative Non-Safety Exemptions
    LD workers must: 
    1. Verify a relative non-safety exemption can be completed for the specific WAC by using the LD Administrative Approval, Waiver, and Overcapacity Tip Sheet.
    2. Submit a Licensing Division Waiver/Administrative Approval/Relative Non-Safety Exemption DCYF 15-411 form to the LD AA.
    3. Upload the signed form in FamLink.
  14. Overcapacity/Age/Gender Administrative Approvals 
    1. LD workers must review the Overcapacity Administrative Approval DCYF 15-349 form in FamLink to approve or deny placements that are outside the license capacity.
    2. Overcapacities for respite must be completed on the DCYF 15-349 form.
  15. Health and Safety Monitoring
    LD workers must: 
    1. Complete the Foster Home Monitoring Visit DCYF 10-416 form for each monitoring visit following RCW 74.13.260.
    2. Conduct announced or unannounced visits. LD workers must attempt to schedule visits at a time when foster children are available to be interviewed in the home.
  16. No Referral Process
    1. LD workers: 
      1. May create a “no referral” in FamLink when licensees request no additional placements to be made in their home.
      2. Must discuss any provider safety, health or well-being concerns with the LD supervisor to determine whether to recommend a "no referral."
      3. When recommending a "no referral" on a foster home, must: 
        1. Notify the caseworker and other involved agencies.
        2. Complete a Notice of No Referral 10-801 form letter to the foster parents to inform them that no more placements will be made in their home.
        3. Send the letter to the LD senior administrator or designee for approval. 
    2. LD senior administrator or designee must: 
      1. Review the letter for the foster parents. 
      2. Determine whether or not to approve the “no referral”. If approved, the LD senior administrator or designee must:
        1. Send the letter to the foster parent.
        2. Notify the LD worker.
    3. LD workers must:
      1. Inform all applicable individuals involved when a decision has been made not to place, including but not limited to:
        1. Caseworkers 
        2. CW placement desk
        3. CW regional administrator or designee
        4. Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) employees
        5. Tribes
      2. Create a "no referral" in FamLink.
    4. When recommending to lift "no referrals" on foster homes previously approved by LD, LD workers must consult with the LD senior administrator or designee for approval.
    5. LD senior administrator or designee must:
      1. Review the request to lift the “no referral”. 
      2. Determine whether or not to lift the “no referral.” If approved, the LD senior administrator or designee must notify the LD worker. 
    6. When a decision has been made to lift the “no referral,” LD workers must: 
      1. Remove the “no referral” in FamLink.
      2. Provide the following individuals, when applicable, by mail or email with the completed Notice of Lifted/Rescinded No Referral Status 10-800 form:
        1. Caseworkers
        2. Foster parents
        3. CW placement desk
        4. CW regional administrator
        5. DDA employees
        6. Tribes


Applicant and Household Member Vaccination Certification DCYF 10-565 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Background Check Authorization DCYF 09-653

Engagement Letter Expedited License 15-433A form (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Emergency Evacuation Plan DCYF 16-204

Expedited Incomplete Application DCYF 15-433A (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Family Home Study Application DCYF 10-354

File Checklist (Foster License) DCYF 10-182

File Checklist (Provisional Expedited License) DCYF 10-182B

Financial Worksheet DCYF 14-452

Foster Care License Renewal Notice DCYF 10-436 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Foster Home Inspection Checklist DCYF 10-183

Foster Home License DCYF 10-010 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Foster Home Monitoring Visit DCYF 10-416

Foster Home Re-Assessment DCYF 10-405 

Home Inspection Checklist (Kinship) DCYF 10-453 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Household Children Vaccination DCYF 15-455 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Individual Training Plan DCYF 06-166

Inquiry to the Tribe 09-539 DCYF form (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Licensing and Safety Supervision Plan for Site Specific Conditions DCYF 10-419

Licensing Division Waiver/Administrative Approval/Relative Non-Safety Exemption DCYF 15-411

New License Letter DCYF 10-429 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

New Provisional Expedited License Letter DCYF 10-429A (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Notice of Lifted/Rescinded No Referral Status 10-800 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Notice of No Referral 10-801 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Overcapacity Administrative Approval DCYF 15-349 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Provisional Expedited Foster Home License DCYF 10-010A (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Renewal License Letter DCYF 10-431 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Revised License Letter DCYF 10-430 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

WAC Agreements DCYF 10-290 form (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)


Chapter 110-148 WAC Child foster homes minimum licensing requirements (MLR)

Kinship License Process Map (located on the LD SharePoint)

LD Performance Goals (located on the DCYF intranet under LD Programs, LD Resources)

LD Administrative Approval, Waiver, and Overcapacity Tip Sheet (located on the DCYF intranet under LD Programs, LD Resources)