Original Date: July 1, 1997

Revised Date: September 1, 2022

Sunset Review: September 1, 2026

Approval: Frank Ordway, Chief of Staff


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on when child welfare cases must be referred to the Division of Child Support (DCS).


This policy applies to child welfare (CW) and Financial and Business Services Division (FBSD) employees.


RCW 13.34.030  Definitions

RCW 13.34.270  Child with developmental disability - Out-of-home placement - Permanency planning hearing

RCW 26.20.030  Family abandonment-Penalty-Exception

Chapter 71.A.20 RCW Out-of-home services

RCW 74.13.020  Definitions.

RCW 74.13.031  Duties of department - Child welfare services - Children's services - advisory committee.

RCW 74.13.350 Children with developmental disabilities - Out-of-home placement - Voluntary placement agreement.

RCW 74.20.040 Duty of department to enforce child support - Requests for support enforcement services - Schedule of fees - Waiver - Rules.


When children or youth are in out-of-home placement under the care and authority of DCYF, DCYF must review and refer cases to DCS when there is a court finding of abandonment as defined in RCW 13.34.030, unless good cause exists for not pursuing the collection of child support or establishing paternity.


When children or youth are in out-of-home placement under the care and authority of DCYF and a court has made a finding of abandonment as defined in RCW 13.34.030, FBSD strategic operations program specialists must review those cases to determine if good cause exists using the criteria in WAC 110-50-0320. If good cause:

  1. Exists, enter a good cause determination into FamLink and include the criteria met.
  2. Does not exist, refer the cases to DCS by:
    1. Completing a DCS IV-E Referral/Child Support Referral form for each parent.
    2. Sending the completed DCS IV-E Referral/Child Support Referral form to DCS through the child support email inbox.


DCS IV-E Referral/Child Support Referral form (this is a DCS form)


WAC 110-30-0040 What is child abandonment?

WAC 110-50-0300 When will cases be referred to the division of child support (DCS)?

WAC 110-50-0320 What constitutes good cause for not pursuing the collection or establishment of child support or paternity?