February 3, 2020
commissioner milner visits dcyf

Department of Children, Youth & Families (DCYF) child welfare and family support program staff joined DCYF Secretary Ross Hunter last week in welcoming Jerry Milner, the associate commissioner of the Children’s Bureau, during a visit to DCYF headquarters.

The visit began with a presentation from the Permanency from Day One Grant team, who provided an overview of what the grant proposed to the Children’s Bureau and how the grant aligns with the agency’s Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).

Milner also heard from a panel of stakeholders who spoke about ways they partner with DCYF, a panel of parents that described their case and provided feedback on ways to improve our interactions with parents and a youth who shared his adoption story.

The second half of the day involved discussions about Strengthening Families Washington, which included perceptions from a panel of parents and caregivers.