February 19, 2020
Photo of Billie and Libby

Billie Reed-Lyyski, CPS Investigations Supervisor and Jennifer Lopez-Silvers, CPS Investigator, two employees assigned to the new Parkland satellite office were recently recognized for their exceptional peer support. DCYF staff in their local office experienced secondary trauma during the course of their day-to-day work. These two stepped up to support their peers through their experience.

Libby Stewart, Critical Incident Review Specialist and former lead of the Peer Support Program, identified Reed-Lyyski and Lopez-Silvers as two stand out employees because of “their drive to support other DCYF staff who need support and their willingness to add this support on top of their already overworked schedule.”

The Peer Support program is a network of DCYF employees that are available to help support their coworkers impacted by a traumatic event.

Lopez-Silvers has been with DCYF, formerly DSHS, for almost 21 years. Of those years, she spent 19 years with CPS investigations and four years working as a supervisor. In 2010, Lopez-Silvers returned to field investigations because she really enjoyed the direct contact with families. 

Lopez-Silvers shared that it is no secret that social work is very difficult and emotionally draining.

“I wanted to be part of the solution to try to improve and address these areas of secondary trauma and support my fellow caseworkers in doing this work,” she explained. 

Reed-Lyyski has worked for DCYF, formerly with DSHS, for almost 21 years. Reed-Lyyski started at Echo Glenn Children’s Center and eventually moved over to CPS investigations. She has also served as a Court Worker. Starting in 2010, Reed-Lyyski moved into a supervisory position in Child Protective Services, Family Voluntary Services, Child Health & Education Tracking and Home studies.

“I participate in the peer support program as I have had high profile, traumatic cases as a worker and a supervisor,” shared Reed-Lyyski. “I believe that workers have been able to relate to co-workers that have gone through these experiences and realize that I have made it through and still standing. It is important to me and this work that I am able to support my peers.”

“Their intense love of this work, caring for others and a desire to create a safe place for staff has helped countless families, children and staff,” said Stewart. “We are truly lucky to have these two in our organization.”