September 22, 2020
Morales Family

My name is Elizabeth Morales. My husband is Arnold, and we are Amelia’s parents. Amelia is just a little over a year old now, and she was born with hearing loss, hip dysplasia, knee dislocations and feet deformities. 

We started receiving services when Amelia was four months old.

How have your early intervention services changed as a result of COVID-19 health and safety concerns?

One of our goals when we started receiving services was to build a community and to find the support needed to navigate all the services Amelia needs. Because of that, we stated we did not want to receive online services, but then COVID-19 happened and online services were the only way for Amelia to continue receiving.

What has this been like for you and your family during this time?

Our providers have done a terrific job. They have gone above and beyond to make sure our family receives everything we need to be successful and to help Amelia achieve her milestones. It has been a blessing to have them. We know it takes a village to raise a child, and in them, we have found our village. 

What reflections would you like to share with other families?

We cannot wait to see our providers in-person. Still, we understand that cannot happen until it is safe for everyone, and we are okay with continuing online services. Online services are working for our family and our little Amelia keeps making fantastic progress thanks to them. We are so thankful to them and to these services. They have made an impact in our lives that we will cherish forever.