September 23, 2019
Everett DCYF office

The Everett field office received four perfect scores during their recent case review.

Everett rated higher than the state average on items 1 through 16. Permanency outcomes were also exceptional. Eight additional reviews had two or less areas needing improvement.

Case reviewers noted a true practice of concurrent planning and timely filing of TPR’s, workers meeting with parents, children and caregivers monthly and actively try to reduce barriers for parents. Another strong practice noted was assessing non-verbal children and ensuring safe sleep.

In one case, when asked if she felt that her needs were assessed during the FVS intervention, one mother began crying and stated that “Myra pulled me and my children out of the darkness we were living in. She touched our lives.” Myra connect the parent with domestic violence supports and when the parent needed to hear something positive, Myra told the mother that she was a good mom and a strong mom. That’s exactly what the mother said that she needed to hear.  The mother ended the conversation by saying, “Myra is a little thing, but she is mighty.”

Another parent wrote her social worker Lisa is amazing. She explained her life opened up and improved, she now loves drug court and noted “you work hard and you see the results, so much quicker than you would in a normal CPS case.”

“The Everett field office is very proud of the work we do for children, youth and families,” said Patty Turner, Everett area administrator. “We strongly believe in safety assessment throughout the life of a case, engagement with parents, youth and caregivers, and achieving timely permanency.”