June 22, 2020
child care provider with three children

Family, Friend and Neighbor (FFN) providers that have continued to serve children receiving subsidy during the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for a one-time payment of $250 from the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF).

Who is Eligible?

Any FFN provider in Washington State that:

  • Has provided care to children receiving subsidy during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Claims a subsidy payment for both March and April 2020, which must be claimed no later than July 2, 2020. FFN providers must provide care and claim for this care for both March and April (not one or the other).

If you have claimed subsidy for March and April, you will receive an incentive payment in the coming weeks. No further action is needed.

How Will I be Payed?

Incentive payments will be processed through the Social Service Payment System (SSPS). Payments will be provided in the same way a provider currently receives subsidy payments:

  • Via U.S. Postal Service to the address associated with the SSPS number; or

  • Electronic deposit into the bank account if already established in SSPS.

Incentive payments should arrive within four weeks, or after July 2 for those who have not yet claimed subsidy payments for March and April. 

Who Can I Contact with Questions?

We have posted questions and answers to the DCYF Early Learning COVID-19 webpage

DCYF has dedicated staff available to answer questions.

  • Please contact the Child Care Provider Line at 1-800-394-4571 or providerhelp@dcyf.wa.gov with any questions.
  • Comuníquese con la Línea de proveedores de cuidados de niños (Child Care Provider Line), llamando al 1-800-394-4571 o escribiendo a providerhelp@dcyf.wa.gov si tiene preguntas.
  • Fadlan la xidhiidh Khadka Bixiyaha Daryeelka Ilmaha 1-800-394-4571 ama providerhelp@dcyf.wa.gov Wixii su’aalo ah.


This message is a result of the SEIU 925 union and the state’s bargaining of the impacts of COVID-19.