July 13, 2020
Young man carries large piece of sheet wood on construction site.

Last week, eight young men at Green Hill School graduated from the ANEW Pre-Apprenticeship Program. In partnership with Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council, the ANEW program provides classroom instruction and real-world application of various construction trades. 

The graduating youth received certificates in OSHA 10, forklift training and flagging. They also participated in time trials for various construction activities, including nailing and carrying rebar. This group is the first to complete all of their assigned projects and pass all of the certifications. All the young men were highly focused and the instructors agreed this was the best class yet.

“This is one of the few programs to set people up for careers when they are out instead of being on the streets with no skill set. I built relationships with the instructors and feel like I have a family to support me when I am out,” said Josiah, one of the graduating youth.

We are so fortunate to have partners who are invested in making sure the youth and young adults in our care are gaining skills and experience for their resumes. Additionally, two youth from this cohort were selected to be teaching assistants for the next cohort, which begins July 13.