February 25, 2020
Photo of parents with two young children

Last year, Washington was one of five states to receive a $7.7 million permanency grant, known as Permanency From Day One (PFD1). The data collected throughout the PFD1 grant process should help align and support the work of the Practice Improvement Plan (PIP), Court Improvement Plan (CIP) and address systemic barriers to timely permanency. Ultimately, the goal is to increase early engagement between workers and parents, youth, relatives, caregivers and other key case participants. 

At this time, DCYF is waiting for approval on the Washington State Implementation Plan, which was submitted to the Children’s Bureau on Dec. 11, 2019. Federal partners are also reviewing our recently-submitted Practice Improvement Plan (PIP) draft to see if we aligned our efforts. 

“The strategies outlined in the Permanency From Day One grant have great potential for improving permanency outcomes for children and youth in Washington,” said Steven Grilli, Director of Child Welfare Programs. “Brandy Otto [DCYF Office Chief] and Debbie Marker [Permanency Grant Administrator] have provided thoughtful and energetic leadership in collaborating with partners and stakeholders and aligning grant strategies with those of other major efforts within DCYF to maximize impact.”

The PFD1 grant is facilitated by the grant implementation team which consists of regional staff, HQ staff, tribal representatives and court staff. The PFD1 Project Steering Workgroup finalizes decisions for the grant and also reports directly to DCYF Executive Leadership.

The grant focuses specifically on CFSR Permanency Measure 1, Well-Being Measure 1 and the Case Review Systemic Factor. Fifteen intervention offices were identified across Washington State based on data and PIP interventions.

“We’re excited to move the grant ahead to the next stage and look forward to approval of the implementation plan very soon,” added Grilli.