July 29, 2022
Man sitting on floor reading to children

DCYF has partnered with Washington Health Benefit Exchange and Yakima Neighborhood Health Services to inform child care workers about the Health Care Premium Assistance for Employees of Child Care Facilities.

Any employee of a DCYF-licensed child care facility can contact Yakima Neighborhood Health Services at ccnavi@ynhs.org or 509-574-0826 to learn if they qualify and sign up any time during the year.

Help child care workers take advantage of a $0 health care premiums by spreading the word.

Here is information and resources for you to share:

Printable and translated program materials are available.

Additional program information and materials are available at Health Care Premium Assistance for Employees of Child Care Facilities | Washington Health Benefit Exchange (wahbexchange.org).

If you have questions, concerns, cannot access or print the materials, or encounter barriers, email Sponsorship and Outreach Manager Genny Arredondo at genevieve.arredondo@wahbexchange.org.

If you are interested in receiving more information on this program or have questions about this program, please email ccnavi@ynhs.org.