May 6, 2020
Zamira's art

“This painting is about how I kinda, sorta found who I am. For a while I was confused as to who I was, and then I found out that it isn’t something that is predetermined. I realized that the person I am is up to me. With that, I decided I want to be good, kind, supportive, loving and loyal. This painting is about the freedom I found through finding myself.” – Zamira, youth in residence.second place

One of the ways youth in our Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) facilities are keeping busy during COVID-19 is through pursuing their art. JR Regions 1 and 2 recently hosted an Eastside Community Facility Youth Art Contest where youth submitted a diverse array of compelling, rich and reflective artwork. Three youth were awarded prizes, and all were celebrated for their contributions.

Thank you to the residential counselors who encouraged these kids and helped them submit their art. It took a lot of courage for these young people to put themselves out there artistically and their help made all the difference. A special thanks to Alexi Castilla and Brandi Albert for coming up with this contest and implementing it. And thank you to the parole staff for participating in the review process, JR leadership for supporting this endeavor and our awesome Community Facility Administrators!

Last, but not least, thank you to all of the outstanding youth who participated. We commend their vulnerability, creativity and character in each unique piece!third place