Original Date: February 15, 1998 

Revised Date: July 1, 2024

Sunset Review Date: July 31, 2028

Approved by: Vickie Ybarra, Assistant Secretary for Partnerships, Prevention, and Services


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on how to determine the:

  • Caregivers' support levels (CSL) for all caregivers
  • The foster care maintenance payments (FCMPs) for licensed caregivers of children and youth placed in out-of-home care, up to 21 years old if enrolled in the Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program. 


This policy applies to Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) employees.


RCW 74.13.031 Duties of department - Child welfare services - Children's services advisory committee

42 USC §672  Foster care maintenance payments program

45 CFR §1356.21 Foster care maintenance payments program implementation requirements


  1. The Financial and Business Services Division employees must complete an economic analysis every four years to determine the basic FCMP, per 45 CFR §1356.21.
  2. The National Crime Information Crime (NCIC) Background Check Unit (BCU) and fiduciaries must document the children’s and youth’s placement in FamLink.
  3. Placement Resource Specialists (PRSs) must determine the:
    1. CSL for unlicensed and licensed caregivers. 
    2. Foster care reimbursement level (FCRL) for licensed caregivers for children and youth placed in their home. Levels will be determined by the Caregiver Support Level Tool DCYF 15-007 form and are based on the needs of the children or youth, per WAC 110-50-0440. The rates are the same for licensed:
      1. Relatives 
      2. Suitable persons
      3. Foster parents


  1. Documenting Placement and Basic FCMP
    1. Caseworkers must notify: 
      1. The NCIC BCU immediately for emergent placements for children or youth being placed with unlicensed relatives and suitable persons by:
        1. Either:
          1. Calling NCIC BCU at 1-800-998-3898.
          2. Emailing NCIC.
        2. Following the Background Checks policy.  
      2. Fiduciaries by documenting the child’s or youth’s placement or placement change in the FamLink Child Locator within three calendar days of their placement with:
        1. Licensed caregivers for emergent and non-emergent placements.
        2. Relatives or suitable persons non-emergent placements.  
    2. NCIC BCU must:
      1. Document emergent placements in FamLink for children and youth placed with unlicensed relatives and suitable persons for the initial license.
      2. Follow the Background Checks policy.   
    3. Fiduciaries must document the following in FamLink:
      1. Initial placement or placement changes for children and youth, when placed with:
        1. Licensed caregivers.
        2. Non-emergent relatives or suitable persons placements.  
      2. Basic FCMP that is appropriate to the children’s or youth’s age.
  2. Determining the CSL and FCRLs
    PRSs must complete the following when notified of an out-of-home placement:
    1. For Indian children and youth coordinate with tribal payment only (TPO) workers and the tribes to determine who will complete and document the Caregiver Support Level Tool DCYF 15-007 form in FamLink when tribes have legal jurisdiction, as outlined in the Indian Child Welfare Payment for Services for Children in Tribal Custody policy. 
    2. The FamLink Caregiver Support Level Tool DCYF 15-007 form within seven calendar days of children’s or youth’s initial placement being documented in FamLink to determine the following for:
      1. Unlicensed caregivers, the CSL. 
      2. Licensed caregivers, the CSL and FCRL. 
    3. Obtain the FamLink Health Care Authority (HCA) health history report and compare the results to the FamLink Caregiver Support Level Tool DCYF 15-007 form. If the levels:
      1. Match on the tool and report, no changes are needed. 
      2. Do not match on the tool and report:
        1. Assess the information available.
        2. Adjust the level, if needed. 
        3. Finalize the level within 14 calendar days from the date the HCA health history report was received. 
    4. Review the FamLink Caregiver Support Level Tool DCYF 15-007 form:
      1. Every six months after the initial placement.
      2. When requested due to significant changes in circumstances for children or youth.
    5. Update the FamLink Caregiver Support Level Tool DCYF 15-007 form when there are changes and contact the caregiver if additional information is needed. 
    6. Notify:
      1. Licensed caregivers in writing using the Foster Care Rate Assessment Determination DCYF 15-502 form once the CSL and FCMPs have been determined. Letters must include: 
        1. The FCRA level.
        2. The payment rates for licensed caregivers.
        3. Notice of caregivers’ rights for a review if they do not agree.
        4. Information on how to request a department review.
      2. Child Placing Agencies (CPA) of the FCRL, as applicable. 
  3. CSLs on Interstate Compact and Placement of Children (ICPC) Cases
    PRSs must:
    1. Verify CSLs have been completed prior to placing children or youth out-of-state.
    2. Pay the receiving state’s foster care rate, unless it is in the best interest of the child or youth to pay Washington State rates. If so, follow the Administrative Approvals for Child Welfare policy. 
  4. Adjusting or Terminating the FCRL
    1. When FCRLs need to be adjusted due to a significant change in circumstances for the child or youth that may affect their FCMP rate, as outlined in WAC 110-50-0450:
      1. Caseworkers must notify PRSs when an updated CSL may be needed. 
      2. PRSs must complete CSLs and determine if a rate adjustment is needed based on the information provided on the changes to the child’s or youth’s physical, mental health, or behavioral needs. If the rate changes notify the following of the rate change: 
        1. Caseworkers
        2. Caregivers
        3. Fiduciary
        4. CPA, as applicable.
    2. When FCRLs need to be terminate and the criteria is met in WAC 110-50-0490:
      1. Caseworkers must notify the fiduciaries of a placement closure. 
      2. Fiduciaries must terminate placement to close the CSL and end the FCMP.
  5. Foster Parents' Requests for Department Review
    1. PRS supervisors receiving requests from foster parents to complete a department review of their FCRL must verify the request was received within 20 calendar days of them receiving notification of their level. If the request is:
      1. Received within the timeframe, send information received from the foster parent to the regional administrator (RA) or designee.
      2. Not received within the timeframe, send the completed Caregiver Support Level Review DCYF 15-503 form to the foster parents notifying them that their foster care level will not be reviewed because it is outside the timeframe. 
    2. RAs or designees receiving requests for a department review must:
      1. Follow WAC 110-50-0520 and review the request within 14 calendar days of receipt.
      2. Verify the request includes information the licensed caregiver believes was not known to DCYF when the level was determined.
      3. Consider whether: 
        1. The information was correctly documented in the CSL.
        2. Any additional information provided by the licensed caregiver changes the FCRL.
        3. The CSL system was functioning properly in calculating the level.
      4. Notify the:
        1. Licensed caregiver of the result of the review, per WAC 110-50-0530 using the Caregiver Support Level Review DCYF 15-503 form.
        2. CPA and caregivers support contractors of any change in levels, as applicable. 
  6. FCRL Administrative Hearings
    PRSs receiving requests from foster parents or an administrative hearing following a department review of the CSL must complete the following:
    1. Maintain the current CSL.
    2. Contact the assistant attorney general (AAG).
    3. Follow:
      1. Chapter 110-03 WAC 
      2. WACs 110-50-0540 and 110-50-0550
    4. Attend administrative hearings, unless directed otherwise by the AAG. If the administrative hearing determines the foster parents have: 
      1. Provided additional information for the department review, review the information, and update the CSL.  
      2. Not provided additional information, maintain the current CSL.  
    5. Document in a FamLink case note the outcome of the administrative hearing.
    6. Upload the administrative review hearing order into FamLink.
    7. Notify the fiduciary of:
      1. Level changes.
      2. The effective date for the level changes. 
  7. Documentation
    PRSs must document information gathered from the following in the FamLink Caregiver Support Level Tool DCYF 15-007 form:
    1. Collateral contacts or information for the initial CSL. 
    2. The FamLink HCA report and collateral contacts, for required subsequent FCRLs.


Administrative Approval Request DCYF 05-210 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Caregiver Support Level Review DCYF 15-503 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Caregiver Support Level Tool DCYF 15-007 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Foster Care Rate Assessment Determination DCYF 15-502 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)


Administrative Approvals for Child Welfare policy

Adoption Support policy 

Background Checks policy

Caregiver Support Level Tool Guide CWP_0038 publication

Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program policy 

Foster Care Rate Assessment WACs 110-50-0400 through 110-50-0550

Foster Parent Guide to Foster Care Rate Assessment CWP_0038 publication

Guardianship Assistance Program (GAP) policy

Indian Child Welfare Payment for Services for Children in Tribal Custody policy