Original Date:  2007

Revised Date:  July 1, 2024

Sunset Review Date:  July 31, 2028

Approved by:  Natalie Green, Assistant Secretary of Child Welfare Division


The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Identify what conditions must change for children and youth to return home.
  • Provide reasonable efforts for timely reunification.
  • Support dependent children and youth to achieve:
    • A safe and successful transition home.
    • Permanent reunification with their parents or guardians.


This policy applies to child welfare employees.


RCW 13.34.130  Order of disposition for a dependent child, alternatives-Petition seeking termination of parent-child relationship-Placement with relatives, foster family home, group care facility, qualified residential treatment program, or other suitable persons-Placement of an Indian child in out-of-home care-Contact with siblings

RCW 13.34.136  Permanency Plan of Care

RCW 13.34.138  Review hearings - Findings - Duties of parties involved - In-home placement requirements - Housing assistance


Caseworkers must complete the following:

  1. Prior to returning dependent children or youth to their parents or guardians or when the court orders them to return home immediately: 
    1. Identify and assess parents or guardians and all adults in the home who may act as a caregiver for the child or youth.
    2. Determine whether they need services to address the safety of the child or youth, regardless of whether they are a party to the dependency. 
  2. After returning dependent children or youth to parents or guardians:
    1. Monitor the safety, permanency, and well-being of each child or youth before closing the case.
    2. Assess any new adults in the home who are acting as a caregiver for the child or youth.
    3. Determine whether the new adults need services to address the safety of the child or youth, regardless of whether they are a party to the dependency.
  3. Obtain court approval for any trial return home (TRH) case to remain open beyond six months.


  1. Prior to Return Home
    Caseworkers must complete the following prior to children’s or youth’s return home on a TRH or when the court orders them to return home immediately, assess their safety, permanency, and well-being and fully assess their parents or guardians and any adult residing in the home acting as a caregiver for services by completing the following:
    1. Follow the Active, Diligent, and Reasonable Efforts policy.
    2. Complete:
      1. Safety Assessment DCYF 15-258A form in FamLink, per the Safety Assessment policy.
      2. Background checks for all adults residing in the home. This includes adult parents or guardians residing in the home, per the Background Checks policy, as early as possible prior to the TRH. 
    3. Offer referrals for any needed services.
    4. Collaborate with tribes if there is reason to know children are or may be Indian children, per the 2.30.30 Dependency Cases policy. 
  2. After Children or Youth are Returned Home
    1. Caseworkers must complete the following after children or youth are returned home:
      1. On a TRH:
        1. Follow the Timely & Accurate Placement Entry User Guide document and verify fiduciaries are notified of the return home. 
        2. Monitor their safety, permanency, and well-being and assess their parents or guardians and any adult residing in the home and acting as a caregiver for services by: 
          1. Completing:
            1. A Safety Assessment DCYF 15-258A form and updating the Safety Plan DCYF 15-258B form if safety threats are identified, per the Safety Assessment policy.
            2. Monthly health and safety visits and monthly visits with parents, per the Health and Safety Visits with Children and Youth and Monthly Visits with Parents and Caregivers policy.
            3. Background checks on all adults who move into the home that did not previously receive a background check, per the Background Checks policy.
          2. Offering referrals to services, as applicable, and notify the court:
            1. Of any referrals made during a regular court review hearing.
            2. If the child or youth or any parent or guardian or adult fail to engage in or follow through with the services as soon as the information is known.
        3. Update the Comprehensive Family Evaluation DCYF 10-480 and the Court Report DCYF 09-095 forms in FamLink with the parent’s or guardian’s progress and child’s or youth’s safety, permanency, and well-being using information gathered from:
          1. Health and safety visits with children and youth and monthly visits with parents and caregivers
          2. Shared planning meetings
          3. Service providers
        4. Recommend dismissal of the dependency when the parents or guardians have completed the TRH requirements and demonstrated their ability to safely resume parenting and have custody of their children or youth. 
        5. Consult with the assistant attorney general prior to court hearings if it is in the child’s or youth’s best interest to request an extension of the TRH beyond six months.
  3. Documentation
    Caseworkers must document the following:
    1. Conditions for return home and reasonable efforts to reunify the family in the FamLink Safety Assessment DCYF 15-258A form or case notes for the parents or guardians.
    2. Completed return home activities or services by the parents or guardians in the following forms as applicable:
      1. Comprehensive Family Evaluation DCYF 10-480
      2. Court Report DCYF 09-095
    3. Services completed by adults residing in the home who are acting as a caregiver, in a case note. 


Comprehensive Family Evaluation DCYF 10-480

Court Report DCYF 09-095 (located on the DCYF Forms Repository on the DCYF intranet)

Safety Plan DCYF 15-258B

Safety Assessment DCYF 15-258A


Active, Diligent, and Reasonable Efforts policy

Background Check policy

Caregiver Support Level and Foster Care Assessment Determination policy

Case Plan policy 

Child Health and Education Tracking (CHET) Screening policy

Court Report policy  

Health and Safety Visits with Children and Youth and Monthly Visits with Parents and Caregivers policy

2.30.30 Dependency Cases

Safety Assessment policy 

Shared Planning Meetings policy

Timely & Accurate Placement Entry User Guide document (located on the DCYF Child Welfare intranet, under Practice Guides)