Original Date: October 4, 2010

Revised Date: October 31, 2019

Sunset Review Date: October 31, 2023

Approved by: Jody Becker, Deputy Secretary of Children and Families

Policy Update Memo Effective June 6, 2024


To provide direction to Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) child welfare employees in supporting youth in the development of a transition plan that prepares them for a successful transition into adulthood. This policy applies to dependent youth ages 17 through 20 years and who are placed in out-of-home care more than 30 calendar days.


This policy applies to DCYF child welfare employees.


RCW 74.13.031 Provide Independent Living Services to Youth

RCW 74.13.341 Transition plan - Qualification for developmental disability services

RCW 74.13.540 Independent Living Skills

42 U.S.C.  677 John H. Chafee Foster Care Independent Living Act

PL 113-183  Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act


Caseworkers must:

  1. Begin transition planning for youth age 14 and older and follow Transitioning Youth for Successful Adulthood policy to effectively engage, support, and prepare youth for adulthood.  
  2. Follow the Shared Planning Meeting (SPM) policy, even when youth are missing from care. For youth between the ages 17 and 17.5, invite participants at least five calendar days prior to the SPM, when possible. Participants must include:
    1. Individuals identified in the Guide to Shared Planning Meetings DCYF 22-1688 publication.
    2. Youth’s two support persons.
    3. Representatives from the:
      1. Behavioral Health Administration
      2. Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)
      3. Economic Services Administration
      4. Rehabilitation Division
      5. Independent Living (IL) Program
  3. Completing The Transition Plan
    1. Conduct a Multidisciplinary Meeting (17.5 Staffing) when the youth is between ages 17 and 17.5 per the SMP policy. During this meeting:
      1. Complete the Transition Plan for Youth Exiting Care DCYF 15-417 in the IL pages in FamLink and include all of the following information:  
        1. Education
        2. Employment
        3. Housing
        4. Health Insurance
        5. Local opportunities for mentors and continuing support
        6. Work force supports and employment services
      2. Discuss and provide written information about the EFC Program.
      3. Discuss the importance of obtaining a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.
      4. Explain to the youth how to access their case record after exiting care.
      5. Obtain the youth’s signature on the Transition Plan for Youth Exiting Care DCYF 15-417 form and provide a copy to the youth and upload a copy in FamLink. If a child is missing from care, share the plan with the youth when they return and update it with their input.
      6. Attach the form to the court report:
        1. When submitting a request to dismiss the youth’s dependency at age 18.
        2. At each youth’s court review hearing if participating in the Extended Foster Care (EFC).
        3. When submitting a request to dismiss the youth’s dependency from the EFC program.
      7. Assist the youth in applying for developmental disability (DD) services from DDA if they are eligible for DD services beyond age 18.
    2. Review the Transition Plan during the monthly health and safety visits and SPMs with the youth up until they exit foster care at age 18 or the EFC program. Follow-up on any uncompleted tasks identified in the transition plan and update if needed.
    3. Documentation in FamLink
      1. Document a SPM was held using the Shared Planning DCYF 14-474 form.
      2. Document the Transition Plan for Youth Exiting Care DCYF 15-417 in the Independent Living page was provided to the youth, including all the information and documents.
      3. Upload the signed Transition Plan for Youth Exiting Care DCYF 15-417 form.


Request for DCYF Records DCYF 17-041A

Request for DDA Eligibility Determination DSHS 14-151

Shared Planning DCYF 14-474

Transition Plan for Youth Exiting Care DCYF 15-417


Guide to Shared Planning Meetings DCYF 22-1688

Independent Living Quick Help Guide (located on the DCYF CA intranet)

Monthly Health & Safety Visits Child Checklist (located on the DCYF CA intranet)

17.5 Transition Staffing Q & A (located on the DCYF CA intranet)

Caseworker Guide to Transition Planning for Youth DCYF 22-1313

US Registry