Original Date: July 31, 2010

Revised Date: July 1, 2024

Sunset Review Date: July 31, 2028

Approved by:  Vickie Ybarra, Assistant Secretary for Partnerships, Prevention, and Services Division


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the information that must be shared with caregivers, including information on:

  • Their right to be present and participate in court hearings.
  • The children or youth placed in their home that is necessary to support the caregiver in meeting the individual needs of the children or youth. 


This policy applies to Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) employees. 


RCW 13.34.096  Right to be heard notice

RCW 13.34.260  Foster Home Placement - Parental Preferences

RCW 13.34.820  Permanency for Dependent Children Annual Report

RCW 74.13.280  Client Information


Caseworkers must:

  1. Notify caregivers of all court hearing and their right to attend and be heard. 
  2. Share information with the caregivers about the children or youth being placed or that have been placed in their home. 


Caseworkers must:

  1. Follow the Dependency Petition Process policy for the placement information that must be provided to the court at the shelter care hearing. 
  2. Notify caregivers of: 
    1. All court hearings via telephone, writing or in-person.
    2. Their right to attend and be heard at all court hearings: 
      1. At the same time parties to the case are required to be notified.
      2. At the time of placement or as soon as possible if the child or youth changes placement.
  3. Provide caregivers with the Caregiver's Report to the Court DCYF 15-313 form and inform them that: 
    1. They are able to complete and submit the Caregiver's Report to the Court DCYF 15-313 form to the guardian ad litem (GAL) or caseworker and it will be provided to the court before each hearing.
    2. The report only includes information about the child or youth and not information about their parent unless it is directly related to the child’s or youth’s well-being.
  4. Inform the court of the dates and method by which the caregiver was informed of the court hearing.
  5. Share information with caregivers about the child or youth, including, but not limited to:
    1. Child-specific safety concerns and safety planning if applicable, including: 
      1. Information on all youth identified as Sexually Aggressive Youth (SAY), Physically Assaultive and Aggressive Youth (PAAY), high risk, or sexually reactive, per RCW 74.13.280 and the SAY, and PAAY policies. 
      2. The Youth Supervision Plan DCYF 15-352.
    2. The Child Information and Placement Referral (CIPR) DCYF 15-300 form. Provide this form: 
      1. No later than:
        1. Seventy-two hours after initial placement.
        2. Twenty-four hours after an urgent change in placement. Urgent is defined as one of the following:
          1. A court order has been entered requiring an immediate change in placement.
          2. The child or youth is unsafe.
        3. At or before a planned change in placement.
    3. Health care information including immunization history, behavioral health and education. Youth must provide informed consent for information about: 
      1. Mental health when the youth is age 13 and older.
      2. A sexually transmitted disease, including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) when the youth is age 14 and older.
      3. A substance use disorder and the child or youth is of any age.
      4. Abortion and reproductive rights. Consult with the attorney general or attorney if the child is age twelve or younger.  
      5. Child Health and Education Tracking (CHET) Screening Report DCYF 14-444 form within the first 60 days of initial placement, if completed.
    4. Resources and supports for children and youth that are exploring or identify as LGBTQIA+ following the DCYF Administrative 6.04 Supporting LGBTQIA+ Individuals policy.
    5. The child’s or youth’s:
      1. Court report.
      2. Birth certificate.
      3. Social security number to assist caregivers in filing their taxes or for other planning for the child or youth. They must not provide tax advice, but refer caregivers with questions to:
        1. Their tax preparer.
        2. The DCYF tax desk.
        3. IRS Publication 501 Dependents, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information.
    6. On-Going Mental Health (OMH) Screening Report DCYF 15-434 form if completed within the previous six months.
    7. Reports and recommendations resulting from all child or youth assessments and screenings within five days of receipt by DCYF.
    8. Shared planning meeting notices.
  6. Documentation 
    1. The date the caregiver was notified of court hearings in the Caregiver Notification page in FamLink.
    2. When and what information has been shared with the caregiver in a case note.
    3. That the completed Child Information and Placement Referral (CIPR) DCYF 15-300 form was provided to the caregiver by uploading into FamLink either the: 
      1. Signed and dated copy of the form.
      2. Copy of the email sending the completed form to the caregiver.


Caregiver's Report to the Court DCYF 15-313

Child Health and Education Tracking Screening Report DCYF 14-444

Child Information and Placement Referral (CIPR) DCYF 15-300

On-Going Mental Health (OMH) Screening Report DCYF 15-434

Youth Supervision Plan DCYF 15-352 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)


DCYF Tax Desk

Dependency Petition Process policy

IRS Publication 501 Dependents, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information

Shared Planning Meeting policy