Original Date: September 27, 1995

Revised Date: January 1, 2024

Sunset Review Date: January 31, 2028

Approved by: Vickie Ybarra, Interim Assistant Secretary for Partnerships, Prevention, and Services


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on placing children and youth in child placing agency (CPA) certified foster homes. 


This policy applies to Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) child welfare employees. 


Chapter 74.15 RCW Care of Children, Expectant Mothers, Persons with Developmental Disabilities


  1. Regional administrators or designees must designate a regional CPA lead.
  2. CPA leads must assist caseworkers with monitoring CPA contract requirements.
  3. Caseworkers must:
    1. Use CPAs contracted with DCYF to provide:
      1. Placement to children and youth.
      2. CPA services.
    2. Authorize services to be provided by CPAs.
    3. Monitor the progress of children and youth while placed with CPA-certified homes.
  4. Fiduciaries must update placement and make payments to CPAs in FamLink.


  1. Caseworkers must complete the following:
    1. Prior to placing children or youth in a CPA certified foster home:
      1. Verify that the CPA has a contract with DCYF prior to:
        1. Making a referral for placement.
        2. Providing confidential information about the child or youth to the CPA.
      2. Send the Child Information and Placement Referral DCYF 15-300 form.
    2. After the CPA accepts the placement of the children or youth:
      1. Complete the Child Placing Agency (CPA) Authorization DCYF 10-402 form and send to the prospective CPA.
      2. Request the signed copy of the Child Placing Agency (CPA) Authorization DCYF 10-402 form from the CPA.
      3. Sign the Child Placing Agency (CPA) Authorization DCYF 10-402 form.
      4. Notify fiduciaries by documenting the child’s or youth’s placement in the FamLink Child Locator within three calendar days of placement.
      5. File upload the Child Placing Agency (CPA) Authorization DCYF 10-402 form into FamLink.
  2. Fiduciaries must complete the following in FamLink after being notified of the placement from caseworkers, update:
    1. Placement.
    2. Payment for the CPAs.
  3. Caseworkers must complete the following after children or youth have been placed in CPA certified foster homes:
    1. Contact the CPA within seven calendar days of the referral to the CPA to discuss:
      1. Coordination
      2. Roles
      3. Responsibilities
    2. Monitor CPA placements by:
      1. Following the Health and Safety Visits with Children and Youth and Monthly Visits with Parents and Caregivers policy.
      2. Reviewing the child’s or youth’s quarterly progress reports completed by the CPA when required by their contracts.
      3. Contacting the CPA lead when a CPA:
        1. Is not meeting their contractual requirements.
        2. Has identified concerns.
  4. CPA leads must complete the following when they are notified that contractual requirements have not been met:
    1. Consult with the caseworker.
    2. Contact the CPA to discuss the contract requirements. If it is determined the contract is not being met, notify the following of the identified concerns, the:
      1. CPA, by email.
      2. Contracts manager, using the Contract Smartsheet.
      3. Regional licensor, by email.
    3. Monitor the CPA in coordination with the contracts manager until the concerns have been addressed. 


Child Information and Placement Referral DCYF 15-300

Child Placing Agency (CPA) Authorization DCYF 10-402 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)


Contract Smartsheet (located on the DCYF intranet under Support Services, and Contracts and Procurement)

DCYF Administrative 4.01 Contracting policy

Health and Safety Visits with Children and Youth and Monthly Visits with Parents and Caregivers policy

WAC 110-50-0230-WAC110-50-0250  

WAC 110-147 Licensing Requirements for Child Placing Agency and Adoption Services