Notice: Due to leadership decisions to create statewide consistency and to support the DCYF RESJ framework, recent court decisions, legislation, recent WAC changes, and the launch of the online application portal, etc., this policy is under current revision and may not reflect current practice. For specifics about these changes, please email DCYF Rules and Policies Unit for assistance.

Approval: Jennifer Strus, Asst. Secretary

Effective Date:

Revised Date: July 21, 2016

Sunset Review: July 2020


Children in out-of-home care have unique needs due to their childhood experiences. Children's Administration seeks to provide the caregiver skills needed to serve the specific behavioral and developmental challenges of our community's children. The training also educates and prepares foster parents to work within the child welfare and the legal system.


RCW 74.13.310  Foster parent training

RCW 74.14B.020  Foster parent training


  1. Foster home license applicants must complete the following training prior to licensing:
    1. Orientation, completed online or in person by at least one licensee residing in the home.
    2. Caregiver Core Training (CCT), completed by at least one licensee residing in the home.
    3. First Aid/CPR, completed by all licensees residing in the home.
    4. BBP, completed by all licensees residing in the home.
  2. The Caregiver Core Training is exempt for foster homes that have had a break in service but were licensed within the previous five years and have completed PRIDE or CCT.
  3. Effective 4/1/2014, Licensed foster parents must complete caregiver continuing education every three years as follows:
    1. First three year licensing period: the foster parent must complete 36 hours of caregiver continuing education training that includes trainings from each of the three competency categories. After 1/1/2015, it must also include a cultural competency training.
    2. Second three year consecutive licensing period: the foster parent must complete 30 hours of caregiver continuing education training that includes trainings from each of the three competency categories. After 1/1/2015, it must also include a cultural competency training.
    3. All subsequent three year licensing periods: the foster parent must complete 24 hours of caregiver continuing education training from any competency category.
  4. Foster homes taking placement of Sexually Aggressive Youth or Physically Assaultive/Aggressive Youth (SAY/PAAY) youth as defined in RCW 74.13.075 must complete either the SAY/PAAY online or in-person training prior to the child being placed or within 30 days of placement. Both caregivers in the home are required to complete this training.
    Note: The caregiver continuing education requirement may be met by one or both parties on a license, in any combination, with the exception of D above. That is, one party on a two parent license may complete all required training hours or two people on a two parent license may each complete part of the required hours as long as the total number of hours meets the requirement.
  5. Training which meets the caregiver continuing education requirement includes:
    1. Conferences and trainings approved by the licensor that meet all of the following:
      1. Related to child welfare or other human services.
      2. Relevant to the foster parent's scope of duties;
      3. Meets at least one of the caregiver competencies established by the Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence.
    2. Training offered by the Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence.
    3. CA approved private agency training courses.
    4. Other training as approved by the licensor.
  6. If a licensed foster home exceeds the required training hours during any licensing period, they may carry over up to twelve hours into the next licensing period.
  7. Division of Licensed Resources (DLR) licensors may require specific and additional training as part of a compliance plan.


  1. Prior to licensing, the DLR licensor will verify that foster home license applicants have completed the licensing training outlined in A and B in the policy above.
  2. Each licensing period, the DLR licensor will develop a training plan with the licensee based on the licensee's level of skill, education, age of the child(ren), and behaviors of the child(ren) the caregiver will serve. Each training plan must meet the policy requirements in C, D, and E in the policy section above.
  3. The DLR licensor will verify that the licensed foster parents complete caregiver continuing education as required every three years.
  4. If a licensed family foster home reaches re-licensing without completing the required hours in the three year licensing period, the DLR licensor will create a compliance plan for up to six months with the licensee(s). If the compliance plan is not met, the Department may:
    1. Choose not to place children in the licensed foster home.
    2. Change the age, gender or capacity on the foster home license at the time of renewal or,
    3. Revoke the license.
  5. CA staff will enter training into FamLink as follows:
    1. The Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence training manager will enter training completion for Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence in-person classes, with the exception of CCT.
    2. The DLR licensor for the home will enter the CCT and all other training.


  • WAC 110-148-1375 What training am I required to have before I become licensed?

Online Foster Parent Training

Access to Training

DCYF licensed family foster homes, private agency licensed family foster home, and relative caregivers are eligible to participate in department sponsored training.

Procedures for Accessing Training

The foster parents consult their LD or private agency licensor for class announcements and procedures to access to this service.