Approved by: Natalie Green, Assistant Secretary of Child Welfare Division

Effective Date: July 1984

Revised Date: July 1, 2024

Sunset Review: July 31, 2028


To assess the safety and suitability of a placement resource and provide courtesy supervision at the request of a sending state for a child placed through interstate Compact in parent, relative, foster, and adoptive homes in Washington State.


Chapter 13.24 RCW  Interstate Compact for Juveniles 

Chapter 26.34 RCW  Interstate Compact on Placement of Children

PL 109-239  Safe & Timely Interstate Placement of Foster Children Act


  1. ICPC In-State 
    1. Request and Approval Process 
      1. Department of Children, Youth, and Family (DCYF) HQ ICPC receives a written request from another state to assess a placement resource. 
      2. HQ ICPC approval is required before a child is placed in Washington State. 
      3. HQ ICPC must document the placement request information in the ICPC record. 
      4. Washington State may choose to contract out its ICPC home study or courtesy supervision services. 
    2. Placement 
      1. The sending state must place a child in Washington within six months of the placement approval date noted on the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Placement Request – 100A DCYF 15-092 100A form.  
      2. The sending agency maintains jurisdiction and is responsible for the case work and financial obligations for the placement. 
      3. Caseworkers must:
        1. Complete monthly health and safety visits
        2. Determines the placement no longer meets the needs of the child. The child may be removed from his or her home and placed in a safe and appropriate setting. 
        3. Notify HQ ICPC and the sending state. 
        4. Submit quarterly supervision reports for biological parent, relative, foster, or adoptive homes to the HQ ICPC office. HQ ICPC sends quarterly supervision reports to the sending state's ICPC office. 
      4. HQ ICPC can request a child return to the sending state within 5 business days if the placement is no longer in the best interest of the child. 
      5. The sending state cannot move toward finalizing a permanent plan until a period of supervision, placement stability and with a written recommendation from HQ ICPC. 
    3. Closing an ICPC
      HQ ICPC closes the compact agreement when any of the following are met:
      1. A permanent plan for a child is achieved which occurs only after a period of supervision, placement stability and with agreement from HQ ICPC. 
      2. A child is no longer placed in an approved placement. 
      3. An approved ICPC placement will not be used. 


  1. ICPC In-State 
    1. Request and Approval Process 
      1. HQ ICPC receives the home study request and sends it to Central Intake for a non-CPS intake and case creation. 
      2. HQ ICPC sends the home study request to the Washington State local office for assignment. 
        1. Licensing Division completes the relative, foster, and adoptive home studies following the Family Home Study Guide. 
        2. Child Welfare Division completes the parent home study using the Parent Home Study Guide. 
      3. Caseworkers must send the completed home study with placement recommendations by the due date on the ICPC request. If the home study is not completed by the due date, a preliminary report or closing letter must be provided. 
      4. The completed home study or closure letter is due no later than 180 calendar days after assignment. 
      5. HQ ICPC will send the home study or closure letter and Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Placement Request – 100A DCYF 15-092100A placement decision to the sending state. 
    2. Placement 
      1. HQ ICPC sends notification to the local supervisor to begin supervision. 
      2. Local office supervisor assigns the case for courtesy supervision. 
      3. Caseworkers must complete the first health and safety visit no more than 30 calendar days after HQ ICPC case assignment to the local office is made. Continue monthly visits until HQ ICPC provides written notification to stop courtesy supervision. 
      4. Caseworkers may remove the child and place them in a safe and appropriate placement if the ICPC placement no longer meets the needs of the child. 
        1. Caseworkers must notify HQ ICPC and the sending state immediately. 
        2. Caseworkers may place the child in a licensed facility or with relative or suitable persons.
        3. In cases where the placement resource is uncooperative, and present danger exists, the caseworkers must take a protective action
        4. If a shelter care hearing is held, inform the court that the child is placed in Washington State pursuant to ICPC and that another state maintains legal jurisdiction. DCYF, the sending state and courts will work together until the child is returned to the sending state. 
      5. Caseworkers must complete a quarterly supervision report and send to HQ ICPC within 10 business days after the last home visit of the quarter. HQ ICPC forwards the report to the sending state. HQ ICPC requests a written recommendation from caseworkers regarding finalization of the permanent plan upon the request of sending state. 
      6. HQ ICPC reviews recommendations and provides written decision to the sending state and the finalization of the permanent plan can occur. 
      7. HQ ICPC will inform the sending state ICPC office of any placement concerns. 
    3. Closing an ICPC 
      1. HQ ICPC notifies the caseworker of ICPC case closure when: 
        1. A permanent plan is achieved and the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Report on Child’s Placement Date or Change of Placement - 100B DCYF 15-093 form and/or court order is received. 
        2. Placement is no longer in the child's best interest and notification was provided to the sending state of compact termination. 
        3. A child returns to the sending state. 
      2. HQ ICPC will provide written notification to the caseworker when the ICPC is closed. 
      3. HQ ICPC closes the FamLink case. 


Border Agreement (located on the DCYF intranet under Programs and ICPC)

ICPC Closure Letter DCYF 09-104 

Interstate Compact for Placement of Children (ICPC) Parent Home Study DCYF 10-536

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Placement Request – 100A DCYF 15-092 

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Report on Child’s Placement Date or Change of Placement - 100B DCYF 15-093

Home Study DCYF 10-043 

Washington State ICPC Quarterly Supervision Report DYCF 16-217 


ICPC Intranet Page (located on the Child Welfare Intranet, under Programs and ICPC)