Program Structure and Organization

WAC 110-301-0345

Supervision is the primary preventative safety measure. A school-age provider must be able to see or hear the children they are responsible for at all times.

WAC 110-301-0400

The WAC says DCYF accepts orientation completed within the last year prior to applying. However, if a person is currently licensed, DCYF considers them to be meeting this requirement. Given that the WAC has been updated, DCYF definitely recommends they take the new one, however there is nothing in WAC that requires this.

WAC 110-301-0401

DCYF has been working on making card payments available, but at this time it is not yet in place. DCYF is hoping it is in place soon.

WAC 110-301-0402

WAC 110-301-0402 (1)(a)(ii) states a school-age provider must submit a complete application, pursuant to WAC 110-301-0400, as soon as the provider plans to move and has an identified new physical address, but not more than ninety calendar days before moving. There is nothing in WAC that would allow us to cite them for not reporting 90 days prior to the move. The intent is that they NOT submit an application more than 90 days prior to moving because they would be unable to meet the licensing requirements. However, also important is that DCYF cannot issue a license in their new space until we have completed our inspection. We are considering ways to address this ongoing and frequent situation.

WAC 110-301-0435

Many waivers will no longer be needed. Those for education, for example, may go away now that a larger span of fields of study meet the requirement. If a waiver doesn’t match WAC 301 DCYF will work with the provider and provide TA related to what pieces may meet current rule and what WAC a new wavier may need to address. If a licensor is conversing with a provider and they have an emergency waiver, licensors should ask the provider if they are still using it. The licensor should update the system and close out any waivers that are no longer in effect.

WAC 110-301-0450 through 0500

School-age providers will be given 6 months to learn the changes within 301 and make necessary revisions to bring their policies and procedures current with rule.

WAC 110-300-0425(9)(b)(v)

Throughout this chapter, WAC includes multiple requirements that apply during the hours of operation for a child care program. Therefore, early learning providers are required to provide notification to the department of any changes to their regularly scheduled hours and days of operation when care is being provided, and the facility or staff are available. Although it is best practice to notify a licensor of when the program will be closed for days that fall outside of the regularly scheduled hours, it is not required for short-term activities such as, but not limited to: a training day, a staff retreat or vacation day, a family home closes due to an illness, etc.

WAC 110-301-0460(4)

DCYF needs to accept that in good faith the provider is telling the truth, and trust that they are meeting the WAC. A licensor can ask questions to assess for compliance and provide technical assistance. If a licensor sees the majority of the children’s records are blank for the exams, the licensor may ask more questions to gather information about whether the provider is reviewing the forms when they are returned from the family, or if they are just not attending to that information.

WAC 110-301-0470

Yes, the program will need to ensure that a 3-day supply is available during all operating hours. If the program is unsure if they can use the school’s supplies, they can supply their own, or they could check with the school to see if they indeed have the emergency supplies available and accessible to the program. WAC 0470 states If a program is located in a public or private school building with an existing three-day supply of food and water that would sustain the school-age program's licensed capacity of children and staff, the school-age provider may submit to the department documentation from the school verifying the school agrees to allow the school-age program to access and use the three-day supply of food and water in an emergency.

WAC 110-301-0485

DCYF has collected this data only for expulsion, not termination. Currently, there is an expulsion form in the WA Compass portal. If the provider doesn’t fill it out and sends the information to a licensor, the licensor can fill it out in the portal. It no longer needs to be emailed to anyone.
Reminder: A decision for Termination is the result of the parent’s behavior. Expulsion is based on inability to provide care to a child due to their behavioral or safety issue.

WAC 110-301-0490

DCYF does not have, nor will have, an approved child restraint training. School-age WAC does allow that a program can provide a restraint training for staff (for that age group). Restraint may only be performed by a school-age provider with prior training in their program’s restraint policy.

WAC 110-301-0490 and 0486

A provider should state in their written policies that their policy is that expulsion or physical restraint is not used or permitted. This helps protect them and let’s parents know what to expect.

(0345 – 0360) Program Structure and Organization