Original Date: January 3, 2022

Revised Date:

Sunset Review Date: December 31, 2025

Approved by: Frank Ordway, Chief of Staff


The purpose of this policy is to provide direction on the approval process for the following requests for dependent children and youth in-home or in out-of-home placement to support their participation in normal childhood activities when attending:

  • Overnight camps where overnight attendance is over 72 hours.
  • Out-of-state camps.
  • Day or overnight camps and payment is requested.

DCYF-sponsored, school-sponsored, and accredited camps do not require regional camp designee review.


This policy applies to child welfare employees.


RCW 74.13.031 Duties of department-Child welfare services-Children’s services advisory committee

RCW 74.13.330 Responsibilities of foster parents

RCW 74.13.710 Out-of-home care-Childhood activities-Prudent parent standard


  1. DCYF will review requests for dependent children and youth placed in-home and in out-of-home care to attend or for DCYF to pay for camps to support their participation in normal childhood activities.
  2. Regional administrators must designate a regional-level single point-of-contact to review camps when:
    1. Overnight attendance is over 72 hours.
    2. The camp is out-of-state.
  3. Regional camp designees must:
    1. Complete reviews on camps located in their region and out-of-state, when requested by caseworkers.
    2. Maintain a statewide camp list of reviewed camps.
    3. Complete annual reviews for camps on the statewide camp list that are:
      1. Within their region.
      2. Out-of-state, if they completed the initial camp review.
  4. Caseworkers must obtain approval for:
    1. Camps, prior to allowing children or youth to attend overnight camps over 72 hours and out-of-state camps.
    2. Funding for camps, when requested.
  5. Employees must follow the following policies, when applicable:
    1. Reimbursing Caregiver Transportation Expenses
    2. Approving Client Travel and Transportation Activities
    3. Administrative Approvals for Child Welfare


  1. Day Camp or In-State Camp with Overnight Stay under 72 Hours
    When approving DCYF payment for day camps or in-state camps with overnight stays under 72 hours, caseworkers must follow the Camp Approval Quick Reference Guide.
  2. Overnight Camps Over 72 hours and Out-of-State Camps
    When approving attendance at an overnight camp over 72 hours or an out-of-state camp and when approving DCYF payment for these camps, caseworkers must:
    1. Verify the camp’s status on the statewide camp list. When a camp is:
      1. On the list, determine camp suitability for the individual child or youth.
      2. Not on the list and the camp is:
        1. In-state, refer the camp to the regional camp designee for review.
        2. Out-of-state, verify the camp experience is not currently offered by an in-state camp by conducting an internet search of in-state camps or contacting in-state camps and reviewing the information about the camp and experiences they offer. When in-state camps:
          1. Offer a comparable experience:
            1. Notify the requestor of the denial.
            2. Provide them with the in-state camp information.
            3. Discuss whether they want to change the request to an in-state camp. If they would like to proceed with an in-state camp determine camp suitability for the individual child or youth.
          2. Do not offer a comparable experience, refer the camp to the regional camp designee for review.
    2. Determine camp suitability for the individual child or youth by:
      1. Reviewing the camp information on the Camp Study Report DCYF 15-020 form.
      2. Determining whether:
        1. The camp is in the best interest of the child or youth.
        2. Special accommodation or supervision is needed and the camp is able to meet the child’s or youth’s needs.
        3. Health and safety visits can be completed, per the Health and Safety Visits with Children and Youth and Monthly Visits with Parents and Caregivers policy, when applicable.
    3. If the camp is determined:
      1. Suitable, follow the Camp Approval Quick Reference Guide.
      2. Not suitable, contact the requestor and include the basis for denial.
  3. Regional Camp Designee Reviews
    When a camp requires a regional camp designee’s review:
    1. Caseworkers must request the review by emailing the following to the assigned regional camp designee:
      1. Name
      2. Location
      3. Contact information
      4. Camp registration deadline
    2. Regional camp designees must:
      1. Verify the camp is within their region. For camps located:
        1. Within their region, conduct the camp review.
        2. Outside of their region, forward the request to the appropriate regional camp designee immediately.
        3. Out-of-state:
          1. Add the camp to the statewide list.
          2. Label the camp status “In Process”.
          3. Conduct the camp review.
      2. Conduct the camp review by:
        1. Prioritizing requests with earlier camp registration deadlines, when possible.
        2. Completing the following within 30 calendar days of the request:
          1. Complete the Camp Study Report DCYF 15-020 form. Based on the information gathered, determine if the camp will be “Approved” or “Denied” on the form. For “Denied” camps, include the basis for denial in the “Rational for Denial” section on the form.
          2. Update the statewide camp list, including the determination and attach the Camp Study Report DCYF 15-020 form.
          3. Email caseworkers, when the review is complete, including the Camp Study Report DCYF 15-020 form.
  4. Annual Regional Camp Designee Reviews
    Regional camp designees must complete regional camp designee reviews annually to verify camps on the statewide camp list continue to meet review criteria for camps located:
    1. Within their region.
    2. Out-of-state, if they completed the initial review.
  5. Camp-Related Incidents or Other Camp Information
    When there are camp incidents or other camp-related information that may impact the safety or health of children or youth participating in the camp:
    1. Caseworkers must complete the following:
      1. Review the camp incident or other known information immediately with their supervisor.
      2. Follow the:
        1. Administrative Incident Reporting policy for notification, documentation, and management of any administrative incidents.
        2. Present Danger policy, if children or youth are determined to be in present danger.
        3. Mandated Reports to Law Enforcement policy, if there is reasonable cause to believe a crime has been committed against a child or youth.
        4. Intake Process and Response policy, if there are new allegations of abuse or neglect.
      3. Report the incident or other information to the regional camp designee.
    2. Regional camp designees must update the camp status from “Approved” to “Hold” on the statewide list and the Camp Study Report DCYF 15-020 form.


Administrative Approval Requests DCYF 05-210

Child Welfare Travel Authorization DCYF 03-478

Camp Study Report DCYF 15-020 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Provider File Action Request DCYF 06-097


Administrative Approvals for Child Welfare policy

Administrative Incident Reporting policy

American Camp Association

Camp Approval Quick Reference Guide (located on CA intranet under CFWS Programs page)

Approving Client Travel and Transportation Activities policy

Caregiver Guidelines for Foster Childhood Activities

Health and Safety Visits with Children and Youth and Monthly Visits with Parents and Caregivers policy

Intake Process and Response policy

Mandated Reports to Law Enforcement policy

Present Danger policy

Reimbursing Caregiver Transportation Expenses policy

Statewide Camp List (located on the CA intranet)

Travel Approval Quick Reference Guide (located on the CA intranet)