Original Date:  July 1, 2024

Sunset Review Date:  July 31, 2028

Approved by: Natalie Green, Assistant Secretary of Child Welfare Division


This policy provides guidance on searching for and notifying relatives when children and youth are placed in out-of-home care.


This policy applies to Child Welfare (CW) employees and the Relative Search Unit (RSU).


RCW 13.34.060  Shelter care-Placement-Custody-Duties of parties

RCW 13.34.062  Shelter care-Notice of custody and rights

RCW 13.34.125  Voluntary adoption plan-Consideration of preferences for proposed placement

RCW 13.34.130  Order of disposition for a dependent child, alternatives-Petition seeking termination of parent-child relationship-Placement with relatives, foster family home, group care facility, or other suitable persons-Placement of an Indian child in out-of-home car-Contact with siblings

RCW 13.38.030  Findings and intent

RCW 74.15.020  Definitions

PL 110-351  Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act


  1. Caseworkers:
    1. Must:
      1. Search for relatives immediately when:
        1. Recommending children or youth to be placed in out-of-home care for:
          1. Placement
          2. Family connections 
          3. Support 
        2. Children or youth are:
          1. Entering or re-entering care.
          2. Disrupting from placement.
      2. Review search results from the RSU to identify and engage relatives for placement, support, and connections for children and youth throughout the life of the case, including those that are legally-free. 
    2. May discontinue relative searches for the purposes of placement only when children or youth are placed with relative caregivers or the conditions for voluntary adoption plan in RCW 13.34.125 are met.
  2. The RSU:
    1. Must:
      1.  Complete relative searches for:
        1. Children or youth placed in out-of-home care:
          1. Within 30 calendar days of either:
            1. Being removed from their parents’ or guardians’ care, even if they are placed with a relative caregiver.
            2. Re-entering care.
        2. All identified adult relatives. 
      2. Not complete relative searches if:
        1. Children or youth are returned to their parents or guardians within 30 calendar days of the initial out-of-home placement.
        2. Indian child's tribe have taken legal jurisdiction. 
    2. May complete:
      1. Relative searches that include biological relatives, excluding the biological parents, of adopted children or youth when a signed Written Authorization DCYF 17-063 form is received from either the:
        1. Adoptive parents.
        2. Adopted youth age 12 or older and their attorney. 
      2. Subsequent relative searches to identify and locate relatives for the purpose of changing placement to a relative or identifying relative supports when either of the following are met:
        1. They remain in foster care and it has been more than 12 months since a previous search was completed and all identified relatives have been assessed and it has been determined they are not placement options. 
        2. They are legally-free and not placed with relatives. 


  1. Searching for Relatives
    1. Caseworkers must complete the following when searching for relatives:
      1. Ask:
        1. Parents when their children or youth are removed from their custody and placed in out-of-home care to:
          1. Identify relatives for potential placements.
          2. Provide the identified relative’s contact information. 
        2. Children or youth at time of removal about their placement preferences. 
      2. Follow the Placement Entry User Guide document when initiating placement.
      3. Confirm paternity with one of the following the:
        1. Birth certificate.
        2. Division of Child Support. 
        3. Paternity affidavit entered in court. 
      4. Upload proof of paternity into FamLink, if applicable.
      5. Contact the children’s or youths’ tribe, when there is reason to know that they are or may be Indian children.
      6. Identify relatives by:
        1. Following the Indian Child Welfare Placement Preferences policy when there is reason to know a child is or may be an Indian Child and is placed in out-of-home care.
        2. Contacting the following individuals, including, but not limited to: 
          1. Parent, child, or youth, and known relatives.
          2. School employees.
          3. Medical providers.
          4. Guardians ad Litem (GALs).
          5. Community members, friends, neighbors, etc. 
        3. Accessing the following databases, including, but not limited to: 
          1. Automated Client Eligibility System (ACES online).
          2. Client Registry.
          3. Barcode Info & Help.
          4. Washington Health and Life Events (WHALES).
          5. Support Enforcement Management System (SEMS). 
          6. Driver and Plate Search (DAPS).
      7. Email the RSU to:
        1. Request:
          1. Relative searches:
            1. Within:
              1. Three calendar days of children or youth who have re-entered out-of-home care.
              2. Five calendar days of being notified paternity was established, when children or youth have been placed in out-of-home care for more than 30 calendar days. 
            2. Immediately when it is learned either the:
              1. A relative search has never been completed.
              2. They were placed more than 30 calendar days ago and remain in out-of-home care and the RSU has not completed the relative search. 
          2. Subsequent relative searches by following Policy Section 2.b.ii.
        2. Notify them to terminate the relative search because the children or youth returned home within 30 calendar days of the initial out-of-home placement. 
    2. The RSU must:
      1. Review new placements in FamLink to identify when children or youth were initially placed in out-of-home care.
      2. Contact caseworkers prior to initiating a relative search and ask if:
        1. The children or youth have returned home or if an Indian child's tribe has taken jurisdiction. If so, a relative search will not be completed.  
        2. Paternity has been established. If not, complete a relative search of only maternal family.
        3. There is a “No Contact Order” between the children or youth and any adult relative. If confirmed, do not send a relative search letter to that individual.
  2. Notifying Relatives
    The RSU must:
    1. Complete the search using the available databases. 
    2. Document all identified relatives on the Relative Search Efforts FamLink tab. 
    3. Send the Relative Inquiry DCYF 09-134 form to all identified relatives within 30 calendar days of the children’s or youth’s original placement date (OPD). 
    4. Upload the following forms into FamLink, including, but not limited to: 
      1. Relative Inquiry DCYF 09-134
      2. Relative Search Tracking DCYF 10-544
    5. Notify caseworkers, CW supervisors, and CW area administrators (AA) of:
      1. Relatives identified as potential placements or supports.
      2. Contact information for identified relatives. 
    6. Mail information, e.g., cards or photos, received from relatives that responded to the Relative Inquiry DCYF 09-0134 forms to the caseworkers.
  3. Reviewing Relative Search Results 
    1. Caseworkers must:
      1. Within seven calendar days of receiving the relative search results from the RSU:
        1. Review the results. 
        2. Respond to all interested relatives identified through the RSU relative search.
      2. Review the Relative Search Outcomes FamLink tab monthly when children or youth are either:
        1. Not placed with a relative. 
        2. Experiencing placement instability. 
      3. Identify opportunities for ongoing support with relatives, including, but not limited to:
        1. Placement, i.e., current or future.
        2. Respite care.
        3. Supervising or supporting family time and sibling and relative visits.
        4. Providing transportation.
        5. Maintaining family connections. 
      4. Re-contact relatives identified by the RSU, as their circumstances may have changed, when children or youth are not placed with them, at a minimum:
        1. Prior to each permanency planning hearing. 
        2. When they become legally-free. 
      5. Document their reasonable efforts to contact relatives for placement or support by following Procedures Section 4.a.
    2. CW supervisors must complete the following during monthly clinical supervision:
      1. Verify a relative search has been conducted by reviewing the FamLink Relative Search Icon and Person Card for each child or youth.
      2. Discuss the FamLink Relative Search Outcomes results and relative engagement with caseworkers.
      3. Confirm interested relatives have been contacted and discuss the status of the approvals for the interested relatives. 
      4. Verify caseworkers are following the Placing with and Supporting Unlicensed Relatives and Suitable Persons policy.
  4. Documenting Relative Search Results 
    1. Caseworkers must document the following in FamLink case notes using the “Relative Search” category and “Contact-Relative” activity:
      1. Their reasonable efforts to identify relatives:
        1. When children or youth were initially placed in out-of-home care.
        2. Throughout the life of the case if children or youth are not placed with relatives. 
      2. Each relative’s decision to be:
        1. A placement option.
        2. Provide support, including but not limited to: 
          1. Respite.
          2. Transportation.
          3. Family time and sibling and relative visits.
      3. Additional relatives identified as possible placement or support.
      4. Reasons:
        1. For the decision to place or not to place with interested relatives.
        2. Why subsequent relative searches were requested, if applicable. 
    2. CW supervisors must document the information obtained from their employees during the monthly clinical supervision case reviews in FamLink case notes.
    3. The RSU must document the:
      1. Names of relatives who expressed an interest in placement or being a resource, in:
        1. FamLink case notes using the “Relative Search” category and “Contact-Relative” activity.
        2. Emails sent to caseworkers, CW supervisors, and CW AA. 
        3. The Relative Search Outcomes FamLink tab.
      2. Additional relatives identified on the:
        1. Relative Search Efforts FamLink tab.
        2. Relative Search Tracking DCYF 10-544 form.


Appendix A: Definitions | Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families

Relative Inquiry DCYF 09-134 

Relative Search Tracking DCYF 10-544 (located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Written Authorization DCYF 17-063


2.60 Definitions policy

DCYF Alliance Relative Search: Creating and Monitoring Your Relative Requests eLearning

Family Time and Sibling and Relative Visits policy 

Indian Child Welfare Placement Preferences policy

Monthly Clinical Supervision Case Reviews policy 

Out-of-Home Placements policy

Placement Entry User Guide (located on the DCYF Child Welfare intranet, under Practice Guides)

Placement Packet (located on the Child Welfare Placement Packet DCYF intranet page)

Placing with and Supporting Unlicensed Relatives and Suitable Persons policy