Applies to:  This policy applies to caseworkers.                                                       

Policy Number & Title:  3100. Family Reconciliation Services

Effective Date:  July 23, 2024


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to employees on Family Reconciliation Services (FRS). FRS are voluntary services designed to resolve problems related to family conflict, at-risk youth (ARY), or youth in need of services (CHINS). These services are provided to youth age 12 through 17 years old and their families to:

  • Resolve the conflict.
  • Alleviate personal and family situations which present a serious and imminent threat to the health and stability of the family. 
  • Maintain the family unit and avoid out-of-home placement when it is safe to do so.
  • Accomplish reunification of the family if out-of-home placement occurs.


Chapter 13.32A RCW  Family Reconciliation Act

RCW 43.185C.290  Youth services-Child admitted to secure facility-Maximum hours of custody-Evaluation for semi-secure facility or release to department of social and health services-Parental right to remove child-Reconciliation effort-Information to parent and child-Written statement of services and rights-Crisis residential center immunity from liability

RCW 43.185C.315  Youth services-HOPE centers-Establishment-Requirements

RCW 43.330.726  Youth supports and housing—Community support teams


Caseworkers must:

  1. For FRS cases:
    1. Contact the youth ages 12 through 17 years old and their parents or legal guardians within 24 hours of being assigned the case, excluding weekends and holidays, to offer FRS services. 
    2. Complete a Family Assessment with the involvement of a multidisciplinary team, if applicable, to determine available services to keep the family intact
    3. Offer and refer youth and their family to appropriate community and in-home services.
    4. Provide:
      1. The Public Notice of Nondiscrimination DCYF HR_0012 publication to the youth and their family, per the DCYF Administrative 6.03 Access to Services For Individuals With Disabilities policy. 
      2. FRS to the youth and family even if they are already involved in a Community Support Team (CST) and they have agreed to continue working with FRS.
    5. Assist the parents or guardians or youth with filing:
      1. An ARY petition.
      2. A CHINS petition on behalf of the youth when:
        1. A dependency is not being pursued.
        2. The parents or guardians have not filed an ARY petition.
        3. DCYF is asking the court to approve an out-of-home placement.
    6. Follow the:
      1. Indian Child Welfare (ICW) Reason to Know policy to determine if there is reason to know a child is or may be an Indian child. 
      2. Applicable ICW policies, if the child is or may be an Indian child, including: 
        1. Tribal/State Memoranda of Agreement, if there is one in place.
        2. Active Efforts and Tribal Collaboration.
      3. Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) policy to assess whether the youth is a victim of CSE. 
      4. Criteria outlined in RCW 13.32A.140 when determining whether to file a child in needs of services (CHINS) petition. 
  2. For FRS youth who are:
    1. Being sheltered in a crisis residential center, facility, or specialized home without the permission of the parents or guardians:
      1. Contact the youth. 
      2. Make a good faith attempt to notify the parent or guardian that a report was received, after contacting the youth. 
    2. Seeking or receiving protected health care services, offer to make referrals or provide resources to:
      1. Behavioral
      2. Reproductive
      3. Gender-affirming care


Family Assessment DCYF 15-279 (Located in the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)


Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) policy

DCYF Administrative 6.03 Access to Services For Individuals With Disabilities policy 

Family Reconciliation Services Procedures (Located on the DCYF intranet under Policy & Practice, under Policies & Procedures)

ICW Reason to Know policy

Public Notice of Nondiscrimination DCYF HR_0012 publication 15-279

Original Date:  December 15, 1996

Revised Date:  July 23, 2024

Review Date:  July 31, 2028

Approved by:  Natalie Green, Assistant Secretary of Child Welfare Division