Original Date: 2017

Revised Date: September 1, 2021

Sunset Review Date: September 30, 2025

Approved by: Jody Becker, Deputy Secretary


To provide direction for interviewing Child Protective Services (CPS) investigation subjects or Family Assessment Response (FAR) participants who have allegedly abused or neglected a child.


This policy applies to child welfare and Licensing Division (LD) CPS employees.


RCW 26.44.030  Reports - Duty and authority to make - Duty of receiving agency - Duty to notify - Case planning and consultation - Penalty for unauthorized exchange of information - Filing dependency petitions - Investigations - Interviews of children - Records - Risk assessment process


  1. The caseworker or LD CPS investigator must:
    1. Conduct individual and face-to-face interviews of each subject or FAR participant. If they refuse to be interviewed, consult with the supervisor and document in FamLink.
    2. If the subject or FAR participant cannot be located, continue efforts to locate until:
      1. The interview occurs, or
      2. Reasonable efforts to locate have been exhausted. See Guidelines for Reasonable Efforts to Locate Children and/or Parents on the DCYF intranet.
    3. Follow the Washington State federally recognized tribe’s Memorandum of Understanding when interviewing a subject or FAR participant who is affiliated with a federally-recognized tribe.
    4. Prior to the interview
      1. Review all the allegations, child abuse or neglect (CA/N) history and available information to prepare for the interview and ensure all the allegations are fully investigated or assessed.
      2. Coordinate interviews of physical abuse, sexual abuse or criminal neglect of a child with law enforcement or another forensic interviewing specialist per county child abuse investigation protocols.
      3. Adhere to the following DCYF Administrative policies:
        1. 6.02 Access to Services for Clients and Caregivers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) policy when working with a subject or FAR participant with LEP. Caseworkers may conduct the interview in the subject or participant’s language if they are approved dual language employees, per the DCYF Administrative 11.19 Dual Language Employee Assignment Pay policy.
        2. 6.03 Access to Services for Individuals with Disabilities.
      4. If domestic violence (DV) is alleged or suspected, conduct separate interviews of the subject, parent, caregiver, each child in the household and witness, if applicable.
      5. The LD CPS investigators must also:
        1. Interview subjects separately.
        2. Notify foster parents about the Foster Intervention Retention and Support Team (FIRST) program.
      6. If a parent or caregiver requests to audio or video record a meeting, inform them that DCYF employees do not consent to audio or video recording of meetings or discussions. Discontinue the meeting or conversation if the parent or caregiver refuses to cooperate. If a meeting is discontinued, inform the supervisor immediately and document in FamLink.
    5. During the interview
      1. Inform the subject or FAR participant of all CA/N allegations at the initial contact except when child safety may be jeopardized. Maintain the confidentiality of the referrer.
      2. Provide:
        1. Qualified interpreters for the subject or FAR participant as needed or requested, per DCYF Administrative policies:
          1. 6.02 Access to Services for Clients and Caregivers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP).
          2. 6.03 Access to Services for Individuals with Disabilities.
        2. All subjects and FAR participants with the Public Notice of Nondiscrimination DCYF HR_0012 publication at initial contact.
      3. Provide information about the subject’s rights, including a right to respond to the allegations
      4. Gather relevant and sufficient information to assess present danger, and complete the safety and risk assessments to determine:
        1. If there are safety threats.
        2. How the child and family are functioning.
        3. Level of risk to the child in his or her environment.
        4. The subject or FAR participant’s accessibility to the child.
      5. Conduct universal DV screening per the DV policy, and document the information in FamLink.
      6. Additional requirements
        1. A caseworker must follow the Indian Child Welfare Manual Chapter 3. Inquiry and Verification of Child’s Indian Status
        2. The FAR worker must also:
          1. Explain the FAR pathway.
          2. Review and upload signed FAR agreement in FamLink.
          3. The CPS or LD CPS investigator must also provide information about making and appealing investigation findings.
    6. After the interview
      1. Document the:
        1. Interview, including whether the subject or FAR participant was unavailable or unwilling to be interviewed, by either:
          1. Near verbatim documentation any time an alleged perpetrator makes statements regarding the alleged serious physical or sexual abuse. Information that does not include discussion of the allegations may be summarized.
          2. Upload in FamLink a copy of any near verbatim documentation obtained by a law enforcement officer.
        2. Public Notice of Nondiscrimination DCYF HR_0012 publication was provided to individuals at initial contact in a case note in FamLink, per the DCYF Administrative DCYF 6.03 Access to Services for Individuals with Disabilities policy.
      2. Obtain permission from the parent, legal guardian, or caregiver before taking a photograph of his or her home or items inside the home. Caseworkers may take photographs of conditions or items outside the home and in public view without permission. See Photograph Documentation policy.
      3. Make a report to intake when any child on an open case is believed to be at imminent risk of serious harm or there is a new allegation of child abuse or neglect (CA/N).
      4. If during the subject interview, the subject or FAR participant provides information about a crime against a child or a vulnerable adult and the caseworker believes the child or vulnerable adult is in danger, the caseworker must call 911 and make a law enforcement report. If the child or vulnerable adult is not believed to be in danger, the caseworker will make a report to intake or Adult Protective Services.
  2. The supervisor must confirm all alleged subjects or FAR participants were interviewed, and the allegations of CA/N were addressed and documented in FamLink. If the subject or FAR participant was not interviewed, ensure the case documentation includes the reason why the interview did not occur and efforts to locate, if applicable.


Background Check Authorization DCYF 09-653

Consent DCYF 14-012

Indian Identity Request DCYF 09-761

Notification to Parents DCYF 16-219 (located on the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)

Plan of Safe Care DCYF 15-491

Safety Plan DCYF 15-258B

Temporary Custody Notification DCYF 09-731 (located on the Forms repository on the DCYF intranet)


CPS Investigative Findings Notification policy

DCYF Administrative 6.02 Access to Services for Clients and Caregivers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) policy

DCYF Administrative 6.03 Access to Services for Individuals with Disabilities policy

DCYF Administrative 11.19 Dual Language Employee Assignment Pay policy

DSHS Administrative 18.82 Bilingual/Multilingual Employees-Assignment Pay, Certification, and Responsibilities policy

Domestic Violence policy

Guidelines for Reasonable Efforts to Locate Children and/or Parents (located on the Child and Family Welfare Services DCYF intranet page)

Indian Child Welfare Manual Chapter 3. Inquiry and Verification of Child’s Indian Status

Photograph Documentation policy

Public Notice of Nondiscrimination DCYF HR_0012 publication

Tribal/State Memorandums of Understanding