
To store current licensed and unlicensed caregiver(s) name, address and phone number and emergency contact information for all children in out-of-home care, in case of a disaster or emergency. 


  1. The assigned Licensing Division licensor (licensed placements) and the assigned caseworker (unlicensed placements) will ensure the following information is documented in the information management system: 
    1. Emergency Contact Name; Recommend One In-State and One Out-of-State Contact 
    2. Current Address for Caregiver and Emergency Contact Person(s) 
    3. Current Phone Number(s) for Caregiver and Emergency Contact Person(s) (As applicable) 
  2. The licensor and/or caseworker as applicable is responsible for reviewing and updating this information as change occurs and at a minimum once a year. 

Service Description

  1. After considering the custodial or the non-custodial parent as a placement resource, Department of Children, Youth, and Family (DCYF) regards relatives to be the first priority for placement of children who are removed from their homes. The relatives must be assessed as being appropriate to the child's needs and capable and willing to cooperate with the case plan. The search for relatives shall continue as long as it is in the best interest of the child or until the permanent plan for a child has been completed. The caseworker shall document all search efforts for relatives. 
  2. When a child is being placed through a voluntary placement agreement the caseworker shall request from the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) information regarding relatives who could be considered as possible placement resources by the department. 
  3. For a child placed by court order, the court order shall include specific language requiring the parent(s) or legal guardian to provide information regarding relatives or other suitable persons who could be considered as possible placement resources by the department. 


Relatives who can assist DCYF and the family in meeting the child's needs are eligible for consideration for placement. Relatives are considered to be those persons who are related to the child by blood, marriage, or adoption. Some relatives who are more distantly related must be licensed as family foster homes. 


  1. Relatives of the child exempt from licensing: when referrals are assigned to FRS from shelters or host homes regarding runaway or homeless youth residing there without parental authorization who are seeking protected health care
    1. Persons related by blood, marriage, or legal adoption to the child, through the mother or presumed or biological father, including: 
      1. Grandparent 
      2. Step Parent 
      3. Brother 
      4. Step Brother 
      5. Sister 
      6. Step Sister 
      7. Uncle 
      8. Aunt 
      9. Nephew 
      10. Niece 
      11. First Cousin 
      12. Second Cousin 
  2. Persons of preceding generations related by blood or adoption as denoted by prefixes of grand, great, and great-great. 
  3. Spouses of the above persons, even after the marriage is terminated. 
  4. Relatives of any half-sibling of the child as stated above. 
  5. "Extended family members" as defined by law or custom of the child's tribe if there is reason to know the child is or may be an Indian child. If there is no law or custom, it is a person who is age 18 and related to the child as defined in this section and includes second cousin and brother-in-law or sister-in-law. 
  6. Unless known to the child or family and approved for placement by the court, any other relatives, including relatives of alleged fathers, must be licensed if DCYF or a child placing agency makes or supervises the placement. See Appendix A in this manual, for the definition of "alleged genetic parent." 
  7. To consider a relative or an “extended family member,” who is exempt from licensing as a caretaker, the caseworker completes a home study/assessment (per Section 45274 Relative Placement Home Study). The worker completes the study prior to placement, except in the case of a parent making the placement before DCYF takes custody or pursuant to a Shelter Care order or a Dependency disposition order. 


Indian Child Welfare Reason to Know policy