Approval: Jennifer Strus, Assistant Secretary

Original Date:  July 1, 2000

Revised Date:  July 23, 2017

Policy Review: July 23, 2021


Hope centers provide temporary residential placement, assessment and coordination of community services for street youth.


This policy applies to Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) caseworkers.


RCW 13.32A.140  Out-of-Home Placement, Child in Need of Services

RCW 43.185C.315  Youth Services, Hope Centers, Requirements

RCW 43.185C.320 Youth services, Hope Centers, Eligibility, Minors

RCW 74.13.280 Client Information

RCW 74.14A.020  Services for Emotionally Disturbed and Mentally Ill Children, Potentially Dependent Children, and Families-In- Conflict


  1. Accessing Placement in a Hope Center
    1. The caseworker must:
      1. Refer to 2200. Intake or 3100. Family Reconciliation Services policies for service requests for non-dependent youth requiring placement. Contact extended family, CRC, or other resource for placement as appropriate.
      2. Send a Child Information Placement and Referral DCYF form 15-300 to the CA placement coordinator for dependent youth.  The Hope Center will make the final determination whether to accept the placement request, and priority will be given to:
        1. Youth close to turning 18 years old or who could utilize a Hope Center placement before accessing:
          1. Responsible Living Skills Program (RLSP)
          2. Independent Youth Housing Program (IYHP)
          3. Extended Foster Care (EFC)
          4. Other long term housing and service options.
  2. Placement in a Hope Center
    The caseworker will:
    1. Obtain legal authorization for placements lasting longer than 72 hours.
    2. Ensure the youth does not stay in a Hope Center longer than 30 calendar days. Note: A Hope Center may approve extensions, but placement cannot exceed 60 calendar days total. During the Hope Center stay, the caseworker must try to facilitate family reconciliation, return the youth home, or develop an alternative long-term placement plan.
    3. Follow ICW Manual Chapter 5.05 CPS Referrals – Involvement of All Indian Tribes before Court Intervention, and notify the youth’s tribe of the placement change if the youth is enrolled or eligible for membership in a federally recognized tribe.
    4. When a child is in the care and custody of CA, and placed in a Hope Center:
      1. Follow 4420 Health and Safety Visits policy.
      2. Schedule a Family Team Decision Making Meeting  or Shared Planning Meeting within 72 hours of placement, excluding weekends and holidays.
      3. Authorize emergent medical and dental care.
    5. Document case coordination in FamLink.
  3. Information Sharing with Hope Center Staff
    1. For dependent youth in a Hope Center who have self-referred or been referred by law enforcement, the caseworker must provide and exchange information per RCW 74.13.280 and 4420 Placement Planning policy. Information includes, but is not limited to:
      1. Name
      2. Date of birth
      3. Gender
      4. Behaviors
      5. Risks
      6. Special needs
      7. Sexually Aggressive/Physically Aggressive Assaultive Youth (SAY/PAAY) history
      8. Offense History


Child Information and Placement Referral Form DCYF 15-300

Youth Run Prevention Plan DSHS 10-484 

Return Child De-Briefing Form DSHS 15-309


Contracted Youth Service Providers