• Out-of-Home Care Length of Stay

    DCYF strives to return children and youth home as soon as safely possible, and when this is not possible – to place them in an alternate permanent home.  The agency monitors the median length of stay for children in out-of-home care as a driver indicator for the number of children and youth in out-of-home care.  In state fiscal year 2021, the most recent year that can be reported, the median length of stay was 534 days, an increase of 68 days from the previous year.

    Median Length of Stay (in Days) in Out-of-Home Care, SFY 2010-2021
  • Equity in Dialectical Behavior Therapy in JR

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is the primary residential treatment for youth and young adults in Washington’s Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) facilities. Two integral components of DBT are individual counseling sessions and skills groups. JR’s standard is for residents to attend 4 of each per month. Equitable access to appropriate treatment is a driver of equitable outcomes. Residents who are Black/African American or Asian/Pacific Islander received less DBT treatment than did other groups.

    Average Number of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Individual Sessions Attended per Month by Juvenile Rehabilitation Facilities Residents, by Race/Ethnicity, SFYs 2021-2023
    Average Number of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Groups Attended per Month by Juvenile Rehabilitation Facilities Residents, by Race/Ethnicity, SFYs 2021-2023