
To access current information, check back regularly. You can find updates on the WA CAP webpage, featuring:
  • Contact information – for questions, comments, concerns
  • WA CAP Distribution List – sign up to receive the latest portal information
  • Project Schedule – stay informed of project milestones
  • Q&A – others may have the same question
  • Racial Equity & Social Justice – our pro-equity approach to this work
  • Child Placing Agencies – our monthly meeting link
DCYF will be doing security reviews for the portal to make sure it meets the state’s security requirements. Note, the portal will be using Secure Access Washington (SAW) so all will need to log into WA CAP through SAW. Tip Sheets are being created to help you with this process.
Yes, copy/paste from other applications, like Word and PDF, works in the portal.
Yes, the portal will be compatible with all devices, including cell phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.
No, it is a web-based, online system that works best in Google Chrome.
Initially, WA CAP will only be available in English. However, it will be available in Spanish in 2024. DCYF’s existing practices and policies support interpretation of additional languages.

DCYF Staff

All paper applications will be uploaded into WA CAP – so there will be a record of exactly what the applicant submitted.
Yes, the plan is to include LD Supervisors from Assessment, SAM, Kinship and Regional Licensing program areas.
Yes, many forms changed to align with Task Force recommendations, WAC/Policy changes and to work well as an electronic form. Subject experts for each form type have been involved in since the beginning of the project.
Yes. Your email address is your user name in WA CAP. Each applicant needs their own email address to sign in to the system to complete a licensing process, such as application, renewal, home study update, etc.
Yes, the original form will not be lost and will show as a prior version. If signatures are required, WA CAP will prompt the applicant to re-sign
No. Caregivers who are currently licensed will begin using WA CAP when they begin the renewal process.
Right now we are working on the WA CAP integration with FamLink. The plan is for the WA CAP to integrate with other systems in the future.
A complete application packet means that the family has submitted all required documentation and forms. A WA CAP dashboard will allow workers to easily track information is still outstanding or needs corrections.
Yes, compliance agreements will be created and completed in the portal.
Yes, people will be able to switch tracks without filling out all new paperwork.
There are several ways to support workers in WA CAP. Using filters to search, workers can identify items that expire or are nearing expiration. WA CAP also sends regular emails and other automated notifications to applicants around expiring items, such as auto insurance.
DCYF staff will find the review process less cumbersome and more streamlined. WA CAP allows for multi-level signatures and approval processes (e.g., Worker, Supervisor, or AA).
Moves, renewals, modifications, and amendments will be made in WA CAP. Once a family completes the licensure process, they will move to the ‘Approved’ application status. Each family will then receive a code to move forward with actions related to moves, renewals, modifications, and amendments in the portal. Families will automatically receive an email with their code at the time of renewal. Workers will be able to provide the code to a family if one of these actions occurs before their schedule renewal to move forward.
Yes, applications and license can be transferred between DCYF and a CPA.
This is something that many people have requested and is on the radar for desired functionality. LD is partnering with Child Welfare programs to find an effective and efficient process.
YES! After a child has been placed for 10 days, FamLink notifies the Kinship Notification Unit (KNU) to contact the family and begin the Home Study process.

New Home Study

Home study updates are required per Policy 5110 such as:
  1. The family has a previously approved home study for a child and is seeking placement or permanency with another child that is outside the recommendations on the previous home study.
  2. The needs or characteristics of a child considered for adoption is significantly different than when the family was assessed in a previously approved home study.
  3. The local court requires an update.
  4. The family’s original home study did not include a recommendation for adoption and now the family is interested in pursuing permanency through adoption.
  5. Adoption Area Administrators may request an adoption home study update by contacting LD CPA Administrator.
DCYF staff began using the new Home Study when WA CAP went live in January 2023. Child Placing Agencies will begin using the new Home Study when CPAs go live in mid-September 2023.
A Home Study Guide is available to access throughout the Home Study in WA CAP. You will be able to access the Home Study Guide through a webpage in the near future.

Foster Parents and Kinship Caregivers

Yes, the portal will be your primary source for updating any necessary information.
Yes! The portal contains all necessary steps and requirements to become approved as a licensed caregiver for your grandchild. If you do not want to become licensed and receive the additional financial benefit, you can become approved as an unlicensed relative caregiver by applying through the portal.
For regions with a Kinship Caregiver Engagement Unit (KCEU), their respective KCEU will be working with Kinship Caregivers to discuss which track is appropriate for them. 
For Regions without a KCEU, the family’s assigned Home Study Specialist will be doing this work

Child Placing Agencies (CPAs)

Child Placing Agencies will begin using WA CAP on September 12, 2023.
Yes, Regional Licensors will have access to the Home Study while CPAs are in the process of writing, however they will not be formally reviewing the Home Studies until a CPA has notified their Regional Licensor that it is ready for review.
The DCYF LD Workforce Development (WFD) team is developing various training materials and tools to familiarize and assist staff using the portal. The WFD team will provide formal training to DCYF and CPA staff for the new Home Study, program-specific practice and policy changes, and functionality training in partnership with Binti. When WA CAP goes live, LD and CPA Staff will have the knowledge and ability to support applicants through the application process.
CPA Licensors will have the ability to look at the uploaded documents and edit expiration dates as needed. If your agency practice requires verification of expiration dates, WA CAP will serve as the electronic file for licensors to review.
CPAs will not have to pay the state or Binti to get API functionality. However the programming by the CPA to make the API work and to manage it internally to the CPA and its internal programs, is the responsibility of the CPA.
Yes, but any additional forms will need to be posted on the CPA’s website and will not be available in WA CAP. However, the CPA will have the ability to upload documents into WA CAP.
Reminder emails for documents approaching expiration, such as a driver's license, are sent automatically and cannot be altered.
Many of our published forms are changing for transition into WA CAP, and additional documents will be published periodically. Release notes will be sent out to update when changes occur. For further information, reach out to the WA CAP team at
Typically, it will be 10 days from the shelter care hearing.
LD and the WA CAP team definitely want you to be able to make changes when you need to, but also think about/plan towards ways to reduce need to make frequent changes, including using links less likely to change, contact information to general numbers as opposed to specific persons, or wording that references policies, not the actual policy, for example. Change requests can be made directly to the WA CAP Team at
Your information is saved when you move to the next page. Any information that you enter on a page will not be saved if you exit the page without selecting Save And Continue.
Not right away, but down the road when CPA Agencies utilize WA CAP to maintain their CPA Agency License there likely will be. More information will be provided at a later time.
Early in the project, CPA staff participated in the Practice Improvement Task Forces. Each task force developed a modernized workflow process, recommended changes to policies and procedures, and defined resolutions to specific workflows that satisfy RCW, WAC and/or policy.

Some CPA staff participated in testing and provided feedback to the WA CAP team. Additionally, anyone can provide feedback and suggestions, or their concerns, by emailing Input is constantly being received, considered and reviewed. All ideas will be forwarded to the appropriate group(s).

Changes can be made to the application form after it has been submitted. The applicant will need to go into their online application process, make what changes they can, and then be prompted to resign the application after entering the change(s). If the change is one that only the agency can make, the agency will do so. If that change impacts a signed document, the applicant will receive a notification via email that a specific document needs to be re-signed.
There is no need to print physical copies of any forms that are submitted electronically in WA CAP.
Forms that require both a worker and supervisor signature will route appropriately.
Depending on who at your agency has proper permissions, they can go in and work on that family’s record and forms. The other supervisor will have to assign themselves before making changes. There will be a record trail so we can see who did the signing.
The Chat appears on both the applicant and worker side. The hours for Chat support are 6am-7pm PT and a real, live person will respond.
If applicants have Washington-specific questions about what to do on a form or our practices, the Chat will refer them to their "assigned worker" or the WA CAP help desk:
There are no character limits enforced in the narratives of the home study. In WA CAP, any text box that has a character limit will show the total entered, and total allowed, below the text box.
All forms are available on the DCYF website. However, please keep in mind, the WA CAP version of the home study is what will be submitted to Regional Licensing. You may use a paper version for your assessment purposes, but should submit the home study via WA CAP.
The home study pdf version will include information indicated and narratives completed. It will not include all fields or all elements.
Continue to work with your Regional Licensor and LD. WA CAP will support best practice, and continuing initiatives for process improvements will further that collaboration.


CPAs in the first WA CAP Cohort will receive Home Study training in Fall2022.


Individuals wanting to become a Certified Respite will apply in the WA CAP portal, similar to the process for foster care and kinship applicants.

Tribal Partners

Tribal CPAs will have the same access and user experience as Non-Tribal CPAs

If you have questions, would like to provide a comment, or would like more information, please send an email to  We strive to answer every question or comment that is submitted, but please know that due to volume, your question may not be answered directly. However, it will be recorded, submitted to the appropriate person/workgroup, and may be used in future Q and A posts.