Regional and State Reports

Impact of COVID on Detention Admissions Report

2022 WA-PCJJ Biennial Report

Community Transition Services Stakeholder Group, May 2022

Reducing Inequalities Between Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Adolescents and Cisgender, Heterosexual Adolescents: Proceedings of a Workshop, 2022

Dismantle Poverty in Washington: The 10-Year plan to Dismantle Poverty

Improving Institutional Education Outcomes: Interim Status Report, December 2021

Juvenile Court Block Grant Report to the Washington State Legislature, December 2021

Washington Offender Needs Evaluation: Review and Examination of Reassessments, December 2021

Family Reconciliation Services Report to the Legislature, November 2021

Juvenile Disposition Summary Fiscal Year 2021

Post-Resident Youth Dropout Prevention System Examination, 2021

An Evaluation of the 2016 Act to Promote Attendance and Reduce Truancy, December 2020

Washington State 2020 Juvenile Detention Annual Report

National Publications and Reports

The Number of Youth in Secure Detention Return to Pre-Pandemic Levels - The “New Normal” or the “Old Status Quo?

The Latinx Data Gap in the Youth Justice System - This report examines racial and ethnic data at state-level youth justice agencies. It documents inconsistent data categories and reporting practices among Hispanic and Latino youth — a scenario that makes Latino youth less visible within the juvenile justice system.

Sticker Shock:  The Cost of Youth Incarceration -  This brief analyzes the economic costs of youth confinement in the juvenile justice system nationwide and considers its debilitating effects on young people’s present and future well-being. Further, the report presents the case for exploring community-based options for system-involved youth — thus reducing reliance on out-of-home confinement.

Diversion: A Hidden Key to Combating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Justice – Diverting youth from juvenile court involvement should be a central focus in efforts to reduce racial and ethnic disparities and improve outcomes in our nation’s juvenile justice systems

Expand the Use of Diversion From the Juvenile Justice System -  This brief presents the research case for significantly expanding the use of diversion in the juvenile justice system. The alternative — arresting young people and formally processing their cases in juvenile court — increases their likelihood of subsequent arrests, school struggles and employment challenges. 

A Toolkit for Centering Racial Equity Within Data Integration - This tool kit, developed by a national workgroup of civic data stakeholders, aims to support data sharing and integration done well. It encourages centering racial equity and community voice within the context of data integration and use — and for the benefit of the public good.

Repairing the Breach, A Brief History of Youth of Color in the Justice System - Lessons learned from our history affect all manner of current policy and practice. This history should lead us to examine how achieving equity affects the rationales for our decisions to arrest, detain, and prosecute.