Current ECEAP Providers

Community Funded ECEAP (CFE) providers must use CFE funding to add new slots where there is space and the need for services. 

To maintain the quality of early learning services, all ECEAP performance standards, policies, procedures, monitoring and administration apply to CFE. 

  • Current ECEAP contractor sites do not need a separate site approval but must complete the CFE expression of interest, CFE application and funding agreement to begin CFE implementation.

Potential New CFE Provider

New providers create more opportunities for children to access high-quality learning education.

  • As partners in implementing CFE, DCYF is committed to ensuring high-quality early learning service delivery.
  • DCYF requires all providers who are not local government entities to be licensed and approved by DCYF.
  • The CFE site must be rated at Early Achievers level three and above to provide a safe and secure learning environment for children.
  • DCYF will provide technical support and training to build capacities for new providers.
  • Current providers can offer support and mentorship to new providers but the new provider will have to meet the cost for the support provided by the current provider.
  • The support costs depend on the needs of the new provider to meet the required standards and this is an agreement between the two parties (new and current provider).
  • DCYF facilitates the collaboration between the new provider and current ECEAP contractor to ensure all providers meet the required standards.

The CFE Process

The process is simple, clear and not time consuming. This may take a few weeks.

  • To get the process started, the provider will learn about how CFE works and then gather the required information and documentation.
  • The next step will be to seek a source for funding.
  • After securing funding, the provider will complete the following:
    • Expression of interest
    • Application
    • Site approval, if new provider
    • Agreement of Payment
  • Upon approval, the provider will then implement the program.

CFE Contracting Structure

The contracting structure for CFE is the same as the traditional state funded ECEAP. CFE contractors operate CFE-funded slots or sites directly or through subcontracts with partners.

Subcontracting with CFE

CFE funds are allowed to be used in subcontracts for service delivery. When subcontracting, the contractor negotiates the terms and incorporates the cost to support the subcontractor. This may result in a percent of the funding remaining with the primary contractor to provide administrative and quality assurance for the subcontractor.

DCYF ECEAP ensures that each site meets ECEAP Performance Standards and other related requirements.

Contractors are required to provide ongoing, tailored support to subcontractors to ensure consistent program implementation and service delivery. Contractors cannot subcontract ECEAP in the following situations:

  • In unlicensed child care centers or unlicensed family child care homes
  • With any organization that is not in good standing with DCYF child care licensing