Child care licensing fees are suspended until June 30, 2023; however, due to recently passed legislation, effective July 1, 2023, child care fees will be required.

All licensees must submit the following 30 days prior to the anniversary date of the license:

  • Child Care Licensing Fee
  • Declaration of Compliance before licensee's anniversary date.
  • All background check applications on the established schedule  — every three years and when a new person is hired or, for family homes, moves into the home, or a household member turns 13.

Child Care Licensing Fees

There is an annual fee to obtain or maintain a child care license. RCW 43.215.255 authorizes the charging of licensing fees and setting the fee amounts. Fee increases must be approved by the Legislature before a new amount may charged.

Fee Amounts

  • Family home child care: $30 per year
  • Child care centers and school-age center programs: $125 per year for the first 12 children, plus $12 per year for each child after the first 12, up to the maximum number of children the facility is licensed to care for (the "licensed capacity").


The DSHS Financial Services Administration (FSA) sends annual fee notices to licensees about 90 days before the annual license fee is due. If you did not receive an invoice, contact your local Early Learning office before you mail a check. Without an invoice, FSA cannot determine where to apply your payment, and you may not be credited. Staff can give you the proper information to include with your payment.

Please mail your check and invoice to:

Financial Services Administration
PO Box 9501
Olympia, WA 98507-9501