• DCYF hosts monthly webinars to connect with and inform the community about our work.
  • Webinar topics vary, and are typically offered in English, Spanish and Somali.
  • Upcoming webinars are announced via the Early Care and Education Newsletter. Subscribe to this newsletter. Subscription and registration information can be found on the right-hand side of the web page under "Upcoming Webinars."
  • Webinars are informational, voluntary and do not count towards In-Service (STARS) hours.
  • Due to the evolving nature of our work, always refer to the Policy Manual for the most up-to-date policies related to our services, programs, or projects.

Feedback-Based Webinars

The following webinars do not have recordings since they were driven by live community conversations.  

MERIT Webinars


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction 0:10
  • Agenda 0:38
  • Background & Purpose of Facility/Site Page 1:15
  • What’s Changing? 4:33
  • Read-Only Dashboard 7:03
  • Future development, get involved 7:59
  • Contact 8:00


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction 0:00
  • Agenda: 0:15
  • Professional Record for a MERIT user 0:34
  • What is a Professional Record? 1:21
  • Updating Personal Data: 2:27
  • Health & Safety section in MERIT: 2:53
  • Employment section | Add or edit employment in MERIT 5:20
  • Education section | Verify and record education in MERIT 7:33
  • Questions and Resources: 13:44

Recording the COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement in MERIT (PDF)



Gov. Jay Inslee issued a proclamation that requires most child care, early learning, and youth development providers to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or obtain a religious or medical accommodation. This resource outlines the process for recording the COVID-19 vaccine requirement in the Washington State Workforce Registry, MERIT.

For information about the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, including roles required to meet this requirement and options for meeting this requirement, visit the Washington State Department of Health’s COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement FAQ for Child Care, Early Learning, and Youth Development Providers.



The new dashboard will allow people to easily track qualifications and professional development progress. During this webinar, the PD team provides a demo of the updated MERIT dashboard.

Video Time Markers



The workforce registry, MERIT is getting a facelift! MERIT is a great tool to track your professional development and staff qualifications and now with the new updates, MERIT will be easier to navigate and will have better overall design to help you track your progress. Updates to the MERIT dashboard will become available in Spring 2021.

Video Time Markers

  • Introduction 0:00
  • Agenda 0:17
  • Navigating the Updated MERIT Dashboard 0:33
    • Qualifications status bars and colors: 3:55
  • Contact Information: 12:40



This webinar is all about professional development opportunities! We cover the following in detail:

  • How to find Pre-Service and In-Service Training opportunities near you using MERIT
  • Navigating the professional record tab to find your completed trainings
  • Entering health and safety training (s)
  • Completing a training reimbursement 

Video Time Markers

  • Introductions: 0:15
  • Newsletters and Webinars (location on website): 3:07
  • DCYF Training Portal: 10:00  
  • Training Resources in MERIT: 13:08
    • Additional Trainings in MERIT: 16:15
    • Finding State-Approved Trainers (in MERIT): 21:25
    • Training Records in MERIT: 23:16
    • Submitting a Continuing Education Proposal: 26:50
    • Training Reimbursement: 30:43
  • Training Resources on DCYF website: 14:53
    • Required Trainings: 5:10
    • Core Competencies (location on website): 20:03
    • How to submit a Continuing Education Proposal (resource): 26:05
  • Resources & contact information: 42:18



The Facility/Site section is where employers view their employee’s information like required trainings, etc. The audience for this webinar are owners, directors, family child care licensees, site/contact managers and other employees who support staff.

The following topics are covered in detail:

  • Registering a facility or site in MERIT
  • Viewing employee Portable Background Check status
  • Viewing employee required trainings

Video Time Markers

  • Introductions: 0:05
  • Newsletters and Webinars (location on website): 1:43
  • Facility Site Support Documents (location on website): 4:46
  • Facility Site Tab Registration: 7:59
  • Navigating the Facility Site Tab: 8:45
  • Additional Resources: 28:17
  • Contact information: 30:21



This webinar is geared towards child care providers, employers or anyone who supports early learning professionals with the Education Application process. The following topics are covered in detail:

  • How to submit an education application in MERIT.
  • How to send required education documents.
  • The process to submit a foreign degree. 

Video Time Markers

  • Introductions: 0:35
  • Newsletters and Webinars (location on website): 2:39
  • Contact information: 6:45
  • MERIT Sign-in: 7:07
  • My Education tab (submitting an education application): 7:16
  • My Award: 20:12
  • Submitting the Application: 23:32
  • My Education Support Documents: 32:34
  • Location of MERIT Support Documents: 42:24
  • College Programs and Scholarships: 45:03
  • Contact information: 45:56



This webinar is geared towards child care providers, employers or anyone who supports early learning professionals with the Professional Record. The professional record in MERIT is where early learning providers see everything; training, employment, background check status, etc. The following topics are covered in detail:

  • Adding employment in MERIT
  • Adding health and safety information to your record

Video Time Markers

  • Introductions: 1:32
  • MERIT Sign-in: 5:15
  • Professional Record Tab: 7:30
  • Health & Safety Trainings: 18:51
  • Early Care & Education/School-Age Employment Information: 21:00
  • Newsletters and Webinars (location on website): 37:00
  • Contact information: 40:20
  • Questions: 41:40



This is an introductory webinar geared towards child care providers, employers or anyone who supports early learning professionals who are new to MERIT or not familiar with MERIT. The following topics are covered:

  • Where to find MERIT support materials on the DCYF website
  • Registering in MERIT
  • Applying for a STARS ID
  • Submitting the Portable Background Check (PBC)

Video Time Markers

  • Webinar Agenda Overview: 2:51
  • Navigating MERIT-related resources on the DCYF website: 4:30
  • MERIT How-to Guides (location on website): 5:12
  • Newsletters and Webinars (location on website): 6:05
  • How to Register in MERIT: 8:32
  • Applying for a STARS ID: 17:15
  • Participant Questions: 25:57
  • Submitting the Portable Background Check (PBC): 31:12
  • Contact information: 54:35
  • Contact information for FFN providers: 55:31


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Introducción 0:00
  • Agenda 0:50
  • Historia y objetivo de la página Facility/Site 1:59
  • ¿Que ha cambiado? 6:12
  • Tablero de solo lectura 9:30
  • Desarrollos para el futuro, ¡participe! 10:32
  • Contacto 10:35

Registro del requisito de la vacuna COVID-19 en MERIT (PDF)


El gobernador Jay Inslee anunció que la mayoría de los proveedores de cuidado infantil, aprendizaje temprano y desarrollo juvenil deben estar completamente vacunados contra COVID-19 u obtener un alojamiento religioso o médico. Este recurso describe el proceso para registrar el requisito de la vacuna COVID-19 en el sistema de registro, MERIT.

Para obtener información sobre el Mandato COVID-19, incluyendo las funciones requeridas para cumplir con este requisito y las opciones para cumplir con este requisito, visite Preguntas Frecuentes sobre el Requisito de Vacunación COVID-19 del Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington para Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil, Aprendizaje Temprano y Desarrollo Juvenil.


El nuevo panel de MERIT permitirá a personas rastrear fácilmente las calificaciones y el progreso del desarrollo profesional. Durante este seminario, el equipo de desarrollo profesional proporciona una demostración del nuevo panel de calificaciones en MERIT.

Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Introducción 0:00
  • Temas del seminario 0:16
  • ¿Qué es un panel? 0:25
  • ¿Quién usara el panel? 1:41
  • Navegando el nuevo panel en MERIT 2:29
  • Colores de la barra de estado y significado con respecto a sus requisitos 6:27
  • Recursos e información de contacto 19:12

Diiwaangelinta Shuruudaha Tallaalka COVID-19 ee MERIT (PDF)

 View the WEBINAR

Godoomiyaha Gobolka Jay Inslee ayaa soo saaray baaq u baahan inta badan daryeelka ilmaha, waxbarashada hore, iyo bixiyeyaasha horumarinta dhalinyarada in si buuxda looga tallaalo COVID-19 ama ay helaan ka-dhaafida diimeed ama caafimaad. Khayraadkaan ayaa qeexaya habka loo diiwaan geliyo baahida tallaalka COVID-19 ee Diiwaanka Shaqaalaha Gobolka Washington, MERIT.

Macluumaad ku saabsan waajibaadka tallaalka COVID-19, oo ay ku jiraan doorarka looga baahan yahay si loo buuxiyo shuruudahan iyo ikhtiyaarrada buuxinta shuruudahan, booqo Waaxda Caafimaadka Gobolka Washington ee COVID-19 Shuruudaha Tallaalka FAQ ee Daryeelka Carruurta, Barashada Hore, iyo Bixiyeyaasha Horumarinta Dhallinyarada.

Staff Qualifications Webinars

Staff Qualifications | Know Your Options (December 2023)


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction: 0:00
  • Agenda: 0:28
  • What it means to “meet staff qualifications” 0:49
  • Pre-service requirements 1:19
  • Hiring education 1:49
  • Training requirements 4:13
  • Education requirements 11:00
  • Equivalents: what are they? 13:55
  • Professional learning pathway 14:45
  • Nature-Based Learning Competencies 16:13
  • Resources 17:00
  • Contact information 18:45


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction: 0:00
  • Agenda: 0:40
  • What is PACE? 0:59
  • What’s included in PACE? 2:00
  • Job-Embedded Learning (On-the-Job-learning) 3:41
  • How to get started with PACE: 5:15
  • PACE part 1: 6:45
  • PACE part 2: 18:11
  • PACE Timeline 9:36
  • How to find PACE trainings in MERIT? 10:31
  • Additional supports: 11:48
  • Tracking training completions: 13:33
  • Future of PACE: 15:08
  • Resources 15:45
  • Contact information: 17:29


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction: 0:00
  • Contact Information: 0:19
  • Agenda 0:40
  • What it means to ‘Meet Staff Qualifications’ 0:53
  • Hiring Requirements 1:22
  • Pre-Service Requirements 3:16
  • Training Requirements 4:15
    • School-Age Basics 8:14
    • In-Service Training 9:45
  • Education Requirement 12:17
    • What to do if you do have education 13:56
    • Make Your Plan & Education Pathways 14:24
  • MERIT record 16:15
  • Helpful Tips 17:00
  • Resources 17:37

Calificaciones del Personal | Conozca Sus Opciones (Diciembre 2023)


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Bienvenidos 0:00
  • Agenda: 0:45
  • ¿Qué es PASO? 1:08  
  • Aprendizaje integrado en el trabajo 4:26
  • ¿Qué puedo hacer ahora mismo? 6:05
  • ¿Qué incluye parte 1 de PASO? 8:07
  • ¿Qué incluye parte 2 de PASO? 9:39
  • Cronograma de lanzamiento de PASO 11:08
  • ¿Cómo encuentro los entrenamientos en MERIT? 12:18
  • Apoyos adicionales 13:06
  • ¿Cómo realizo un seguimiento de las finalizaciones de mi entrenamiento? 15:21
  • Futuro de PASO 17:33
  • Recursos: página web de PASO 18:32
  • Recursos: página web de Boletines y seminarios (Newsletters & Webinars) 19:15
  • Información de contacto 21:04 

State-Approved Trainers


Video Time Markers

  • Welcome 0:00
  • Agenda 0:11
  • Introduction: Standards of Practice & Professionalism 0:23
  • Changes for Fiscal Year 2022, Updated Sections 1:28
  • Competency and Level Assignment 2:14
  • Trainer Sanctions (Updates) 4:10
  • Written Submission 5:52
  • Changes for Fiscal Year 2022, New Sections 6:45
  • Provisional Acceptance 7:38
  • Training Details (DCYF logo, certificates, evaluations) 9:15
  • Plagiarism Policy 12:00
  • Appeal Process for Trainer Renewal 12:55 

FAQs: Data Entry Requirements


Video Time Markers

  • Welcome 0:00
  • Agenda 0:37
  • Things to Keep In Mind 1:02
  • Data Entry Policy 2:19
  • What Data Do We Review? 3:29
  • How Does the Process Work? 6:39
  • Issues With Data Entry 7:47
  • Trainer Renewal Process Timeline 8:50
  • Data Entry Review is Connected to Trainer Renewal 11:31
  • Things to Consider for Online Training Organizations 13:50
  • Support Resources 15:37


Video Time Markers

  • Welcome 0:00
  • Agenda 0:28
  • What is the State-Approved Training Program? 0:50
  • Which application is right for you? 1:47
  • Who should apply as a Specialist Trainer? 2:39
  • Getting Started and what to expect in MERIT 3:35
  • Core Competencies for Early Care and Education and Child and Youth Development 9:00
  • Competency Levels 10:25
  • Things to consider for competency demonstration 11:56
  • Trainer Observation 16:21
  • After Application is Complete, What is Next? 17:40
  • How does DCYF make approval decisions? 18:09
  • Provisional Approval 19:06
  • What to Expect if Approved 20:18
  • Contact Information 21:41 



The State-Approved Training standards allow DCYF to ensure that all of our state-approved trainers are consistently offering high-quality learning experiences for early childhood and school-age professionals.

The Trainer Standards Workgroup has put forward a draft of the revised trainer standards. This webinar goes over the changes to the standards, which include the introduction of a virtual learning competency, anti-bias, and anti-racism standards and the use of leveling to show progression of knowledge and skills.

Video Time Markers

  • Introduction of Work: 0:58
  • Key Features of Impactful Learning: 2:00
  • Value Behind Trainer Standards 6:05
  • Key Drivers Behind the Update 8:20
  • How Will the Trainer Standards be Implemented 10:12
  • Revision Process & Community Engagement 11:33
  • The Five Identified Standards 13:30
  • How to Review the Standard(s) 16:30
  • Provide Your Feedback 21:27
  • Contact Information: 24:37



All trainers will need to go through a renewal process by Dec. 31, 2020. This webinar outlines what State-Approved trainers must do in order to complete the renewal process.

Video Time Markers

  • When do I renew? 0:26
  • Webinar agenda 0:34
  • Why this change? 1:07
  • What will happen after renewal? 2:14
  • What does the renewal process look like? 3:25
  • Active trainer criteria for future trainers: 5:53
  • Implementation timeline: 7:32
  • Outstanding questions & answers: 10:55
  • Contact Information: 17:10


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Bienvenidos 0:00
  • Agenda 0:19
  • Introducción de los estándares de practica y profesionalismo 0:41
  • Secciones Revisadas 2:00
  • Asignación de competencias y niveles 2:52
  • Sanciones de entrenador, información actualizada 4:35
  • Presentación escrita 6:13
  • Secciones Nuevas 7:08
  • Aprobación provisional 8:12
  • Detalles de la capacitación (logo de DCYF, certificados, evaluaciones) 9:26
  • Política de plagio 11:38
  • Proceso de apelación para la renovación de capacitadores 12:47
  • Contacto: 13:36 

Preguntas frecuentes: requisitos de entrada de datos


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Bienvenidos 0:00
  • Agenda: 0:28
  • Cosas de tener en cuenta: 0:55
  • Política de entrada de datos 1:55
  • ¿Que datos revisamos? 2:31
  • ¿Como funciona el proceso? 3:59
  • ¿Qué pasa si hay problemas con la entrada de datos? 4:52
  • Años de renovación 5:53
  • Revisión de entrada de datos relacionada con la renovación del capacitador 7:46
  • Consideraciones para organizaciones en línea 9:01
  • Recursos 9:55
  • Información de contacto 11:02 


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Bienvenidos 0:00
  • Agenda 0:23
  • ¿Qué es el programa de capacitación aprobado por el estado? 1:00
  • ¿Cuál aplicación es la adecuada para usted? 2:38
  • ¿Quién debería aplica como entrenados especializado? 3:50
  • Empezando y lo que debe de hacer en MERIT 4:22
  • Competencias para profesionales en aprendizaje temprano y profesionales del desarrollo de los niños y jóvenes 11:37
  • Niveles de competencias 13:26
  • Consideraciones para la demonstración de competencia 14:42
  • Demonstración de las competencias básicas 16:12
  • Observación del entrenador 20:10
  • ¿Qué sigue? 22:05
  • ¿Cómo toma una decisión de aprobación el departamento de DCYF? 23:04
  • Aprobación Provisional 23:48
  • Contacto: 27:05 

RBPD Professionals



DCYF plans to grow a diverse workforce that will provide all community-level participants to receive individualized, responsive and effective services. This webinar covers the role of Relationship-based Professional Development (RBPD) in DCYF’s vision for children and families as well as the major milestones and timeline for this initiative.

Video Time Markers

  • Introductions and Housekeeping: 00:00 
  • Goals of the webinars: 9:00
  • RBPD definition and Cycle of Inquiry: 9:25
  • Importance of RBPD: 11:57
  • Who are RBPD professionals? 18:57
  • Characteristics of RBPD professionals: 23:54
  • DCYF’s vision for RBPD work: 30:30
  • RBPD milestones and future of RBPD work: 33:47
  • Benefits of RBPD work: 43:10
  • Partnerships: 44:17
  • Questions: 50:00
  • Contact information: 53:05



The Coaching Companion is a video sharing and coaching feedback app that enables providers to take what they learn, apply it to their interactions with children and then reflect upon their practice with their coaches.

The tool was upgraded to be cleaner, faster and provides the user with more accessible video uploading capabilities along with a range of other media resources, including a community of practice platform. During this webinar we explore the tool and highlight the new and improved features.

Video Time Markers

  • Introductions 0:19
  • Location of webinars on DCYF Website: 3:24
  • What is the Coaching Companion? 4:55
  • Navigating the Tool Introduction:
    • Goals section: 6:51
    • Action Planning 9:20
    • Focused Observation: 11:47
    • Reflection & Feedback: 16:00
    • Resource Library: 19:38
  • Navigating the Tool Live:
    • How to Create a Coaching Cycle (Live Example): 27:26
    • Create a Focused Observation: 43:28
    • Reflection and Feedback: 50:03
  • Contact information: 56:13

General Professional Development


Video Time Markers

  • Welcome 0:00
  • About the Substitute Pool 3:37
  • The Imagine Institute 3:59
  • Become a substitute! 4:52
  • Substitute Qualifications 5:30
  • Facility Qualifications 6:21
  • Accessing Hours 6:53
  • First Day! What substitutes should expect on their first day 7:14
  • Opportunities for students! A pathway into Early Learning 8:15
  • Contact Information 9:19


Video Time Markers

  • Welcome 0:00
  • Fair Start for Kids Act 0:11
  • Eligible Providers 1:35
  • What is trauma-informed care? 3:10
  • Healing Centered Approach 8:09
  • How did we get here? 9:45
  • Compensation tiers 12:15
  • How to find TIC eligible trainings? 17:14
  • How to receive payment 17:49
  • Education Awards and SWV Number 19:16
  • TIC webpage 21:11
  • Live Q&A 21:39


Video Time Markers

  • Welcome 0:00
  • Meet the Dual Language Team 0:13
  • Agenda 0:30
  • What is dual language learning? 0:44
  • Fair Start for Kids Act (FSKA) 2:33
  • Community-Driven Collaboration 3:23
  • Dual Language Standards 4:40
  • Early Achievers: Dual Language Designation 5:57
  • Dual Language Designation Awards 7:35
  • Funding Prioritization 9:41
  • Resources & contact info 10:01


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction 0:00
  • One-Stop-Shop: 0:22
  • About the New Site 0:56
  • What we have Heard (Training Experiences) 1:41
  • Supporting the Workforce 4:31
  • Key Features of New Training Site 5:45
  • Our Approach: Human Centered 6:26
  • 2023 Timeline 7:59
  • Stay Up-to-Date (DCYF’s New Training Site information Webpage) 9:13
  • Contact Information 9:45


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction & Agenda 0:00
  • What is Trauma-Informed Care? A roadmap to Trauma-Informed Care 1:29
  • Six principles of Trauma-Informed Care 4:51
  • Healing Centered Approach 6:41
  • Funding Available! 9:20
  • Eligibility of Funding 10:22
  • Distributing Funds & Liberatory Design: 11:27
  • Provider Input 13:25
  • Education & Training Awards 14:44
  • Timeline to Release Awards: 19:40
  • Thank You & Contact Information: 22:30


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction 0:00
  • Learning Objectives 0:15
  • Background on competencies 0:28
  • Purpose of Competencies 1:57
  • Nature-based learning environments 3:15
  • Ecological identity and nature connectedness 3:47
  • Culturally responsive and affirming experiences 6:17
  • Honoring Indigenous sovereignty 7:14
  • Navigating the document 10:23
  • How to use the competencies document 11:09
  • Resources & contact 12:23


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction 0:10
  • What is the Early Learning Career Planning Portal? 0:54
  • Project Background: 1:28
  • Project Timeline 2:08 
  • Let’s Talk UX (User-Experience)! 3:40
  • UX Research 6:37
  • Participants 10:07 
  • UX Study Findings (Results) 11:22
  • Recommendations to DCYF 21:23
  • Next Steps & Timeline 24:20
  • Contact Information 27:03


Video Time Markers

  • Introduction 0:00
  • Dual Language (DL) Designation Legislative Directive 0:48
  • External & Internal Collaboration for Designation 1:24
  • Priorities for DL 2:11
  • DL Designation Advisory Progress 2:42
  • DL Survey Respondents 3:37
  • DL Provider Survey Results 4:00
  • World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Consortium 5:25
  • WIDA Consortium Members 6:19
  • DL Community Partners 7:10
  • Thank You & Contact Information 7:28

Dual Language Designation FAQS


Video Time Markers

  • Welcome and introduction 0:00
  • Agenda 1:00
  • New engagement webpage 1:33
  • PACE  (Provider Access to a Community Equivalent) program 4:00
  • Multilingual/Dual Language in Early Learning 9:12
  • State-Approved Training Program 12:44
  • DCYF’s Community Engagement Team 20:43
  • Contact 24:35


Video Time Markers

  • Welcome 0:00
  • Agenda 0:21
  • HB 1445 now RCW 43.216.105 0:45
  • Dual Language vs. Multilingual Explanation 1:42
  • Benefits of Dual Language Learning 2:12
  • Fair Start for Kids Act 2:59
  • Dual Language Designation 3:44
  • Dual Language Learning Training 4:45
  • Ongoing Efforts 6:25
  • Next Steps 7:37
  • Contact Information: 8:43



DCYF used CARES Act funding to purchase materials and develop toolkits to use in early learning classrooms when implementing COVID-19 guidance. During this webinar, the PD team will highlight the toolkit materials, discuss ways to use the materials in the classroom and review the COVID-19 tip-sheets and where to access them online, anytime.

Video Time Markers

  • Introduction 0:00
  • Background on the project 0:20
  • Exploring the toolkits 1:06
    • Promote Physical Distancing 1:23
    • Promote Handwashing 2:13
    • Supporting Emotional Health 2:40
    • Promote Outdoor Activities 3:05
    • Written Materials 3:22
    • Tip Sheets 4:24
  • How will you use the materials? 5:22
  • Contact Information 6:14



Learn about the enhancement made to DCYFtraining.com. The updates include customized training features based on roles, easier search abilities and a preview of all available trainings on this site.

Video Time Markers

  • Introduction: 0:00
  • Agenda 0:17
  • Sneak-peek of updates: 0:35
  • Navigating the DCYF Training site (DCYFTraining.com) 0:59
  • Overview: 7:52
  • Searching for Training: 8:20
  • Resources: 9:33
  • Contact Information: 10:33




This webinar is all about the Professional Development Plan (PDP) and covers the following topics in detail:

  • What a PDP is.
  • How to use the PDP to track professional and educational progress.
  • How DCYF licensors will use the PDP.
  • How to assist ECE staff in completing their PDP.

Video Time Markers

  • Introduction: 0:00
  • Agenda 0:23
  • What is a Professional Development Plan (PDP)? 0:45
  • What does the PDP look like? 1:59
  • How to use your PDP 2:47
  • Step 1: Know your milestone 4:30
  • Step 2: Make a choice 5:45
    • Various pathways 6:20
    • Evaluating your education 7:00
  • Step 3: Getting Started! 8:30
  • Where do I keep my PDP? 9:28
  • How do licensors use the PDP? 10:50
  • How to help others with the PDP 12:46
  • Resources 14:03
  • Contact Information: 16:13



Program administrators require a unique set of knowledge and skills to be effective in their leadership role and run an early childhood education (ECE) program successfully. Washington State is supporting the development of program leaders by requiring in-service training specific to leadership practices. This webinar outlines the Leadership Practices Requirements and supports.

Video Time Markers

  • Introduction 0:01
  • Webinar agenda: 0:20
  • Why is there a leadership practices requirement? 0:53
  • Skills program leaders require: 1:51
  • Child Care and Development Block Grant: 2:30
  • Federal Guidelines and Leadership Framework: 3:22
  • Reasons why ECE programs fail: 4:36
  • The WAC and who this requirement applies to: 5:34
  • In-Service Training (WAC 110-300-0107): 6:14
  • Breaking down the training requirement and EQEL: 7:00
  • Core Competencies for Early Care and Education Professionals: 8:20
  • Competencies that make up the leadership practices: 9:25
  • Professional Learning Opportunities & the Leadership Practices document: 10:34
  • Contact information: 14:32



The ECE Career Planning Portal supports individuals in the Early Learning field with: Providing education options, financial resources, locating education advisors and provide various professions available to you in the ECE field.  During this quick webinar we cover the following topics in detail:

  • Overview of all of the education options and pathways available to you
  • Scholarship and grant opportunities to help pay for college
  • Navigating the portal and highlighting recent updates made to the portal 

Video Time Markers

  • Introductions 0:19
  • What’s in it for me? 1:10
  • Early Achievers Grant statistics: 2:00
  • Certificate & Degree Completions data: 2:30
  • Navigating the ECE Career Planning Portal 3:27
  • Careers 4:55
  • Find a degree: 6:35
  • Financial aid: 10:15
  • FAQ’s: 14:28
  • Navigating the Professional Development pages on DCYF’s website (16:15)
  • Education and Scholarships page on DCYF’s website: 18:24
  • Contact Information: 19:34


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Introducción 0:00
  • Agenda de discusión 0:12
  • Acerca del programa de sustitutos 0:44
  • El Instituto Imagine (The Imagine Institute, en inglés) 1:15
  • Conviértete en un sustituto! 2:35
  • Calificaciones de sustitutos 3:12
  • Calificaciones de la instalación/programa 4:20
  • Horas de acceso 4:54
  • El primer día del sustituto 5:16
  • Oportunidad para estudiantes: un camino al aprendizaje temprano 6:23
  • Información de contacto 7:09


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Introducción 0:21
  • La ley (Fair Start for Kids Act) 2:47
  • Proveedores elegibles para los premios 4:07
  • Que es la atención informada del trauma? 5:07
  • Enfoque centrado en la curación 8:22
  • Como llegamos aquí? 9:18
  • Tiras de compensación 11:03
  • Como encontrar capacitaciones elegibles para el premio 12:40
  • Como recibir el pago del premio 13:04
  • Premios de educación y número SWV 13:30
  • Página web de TIC 13:52
  • Designación de Aprendizaje Dual, pagina web aquí 14:05
  • Preguntas y respuestas en vivo 15:33


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Introducción 0:00
  • Conozca al equipo de lenguaje dual 0:21
  • Agenda 0:44
  • ¿Qué es el aprendizaje dual?
  • Ley de Fair Start for Kids Act (FSKA) 3:41
  • Participación guiada por la comunidad 5:11
  • Estándares de aprendizaje dual 6:36
  • Designación de aprendizaje dual de Early Achievers 8:18
  • Fondos de la designación 12:07
  • Criterios de priorización de fondos 14:45
  • Recursos e información de contacto 15:59


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Introducción 0:00
  • Imaginamos que... (un solo sito para todo sobre capacitación) 0:18
  • Cerca del nuevo sitio 1:17
  • Hemos escuchado (experiencias sobre el entrenamiento) 2:01
  • Apoyo a la fuerza laboral 4:03
  • Características del nuevo sitio 5:22
  • Nuestro enfoque: centrado en el ser humano 6:11
  • Línea de tiempo 2023 8:37
  • Guarde la página web sobre el nuevo sito de capacitación 9:10
  • Como traducir las páginas web de DCYF en español 9:45
  • Información de contacto 10:49


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Introducción 0:00
  • ¿Qué es la atención informada sobre el trauma? Una hoja de ruta para la atención informada sobre el trauma 0:50
  • Seis principios de la atención informada sobre el trauma 2:02
  • Enfoque centrado en la curación 3:25
  • ¡Financiamiento disponible! 4:23
  • Elegibilidad de Financiamiento 5:43
  • Distribución de fondos y diseño liberador 6:51
  • Comentarios de proveedores 9:35
  • Premios de educación y capacitación 11:14
  • Cronograma de entrega de premios 15:17
  • Gracias e información de contacto 16:11


Marcadores de tiempo de video

  • Bienvenidos 0:00
  • Directiva legislativa de designación de aprendizaje dual 0:12
  • Colaboración Externa e interna para la designación  1:00
  • Prioridades para el aprendizaje dual 1:45
  • Progreso del aviso 2:24
  • Participantes de la encuesta sobre el aprendizaje dual 3:49
  • Resultados de la encuesta 4:18
  • Evaluación y deseno instruccional de clase mundial (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment, (WIDA), en inglés) 5:51
  • Membresía del equipo de WIDA 7:04
  • Socios de la comunidad 8:02

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la designación de idioma dual

 Eeg Webinar

Calaamadaha Waqtiga Fiidiyowga:

  • Washington’s Early Care and Education Substitute Pool (Barkadda Beddelka Waxbarashada iyo Daryeelka Hore ee Washington) 0:00
  • Ajandaha 0:47
  • Ku saabsan Substitute Pool 2:44
  • Machadka Imagine 6:57
  • Noqo Substitute! 8:01
  • Substitute shahaadooyinka 8:56
  • Aqoonta Xarunta 9:02
  • Helitaanka Saacadaha 9:28
  • Maalinta Koowaad ee Substitute 9:57
  • Waddada loo maro Waxbarashada 10:15
  • Macluumaadka xiriirka 10:26

 Eeg Webinar

Calaamadaha Waqtiga Fiidiyowga:

  • Abaalmarin dhaqaale oo loogu talagalay Dhaqanka Daryeelka Xog-ogaalka ah, ee loo yaqaan ‘trauma informed care’ 4:35
  • FSKA daryeelka xog-ogaalka ah, ee loo yaqaan ‘trauma informed care’ caawinta -Qaybta 304 ee sharciga ayaa sheegaysa  6:25
  • ya waaye bixiyayaasha xaqa u leh? 9:01
  • Waa maxay daryeelka xog-ogaalka ah, ee loo yaqaan ‘trauma informed care’?
  • SAMHSA's Afarta "'R"  10:37
  • Habka bogsashada (Healing-centered) dhamaystiran 14:45
  • Sideen ku gaadhnay halkan? 16:05
  • Horumarka xirfadeed iyo heerarka magdhowga 17:31
  • Sideen ku helaa tababbarada u qalma abaal-marin-siinta FSKA ee daryeelka xog-ogaalka ah, ee loo yaqaan ‘trauma informed care’? 19:58
  • Habka xaqiijinta ama xaqiijinta shaqaalaynta gudaha merit 20:58
  • Helitaanka lambarka oggolaanshaha gobolka oo dhan (vendor) ee deeqaha ama abaalmarinta waxbarashada 22:50
  • Cusbooneysiin ku saabsan Sharciga Bilowga Xaqa ah ee Carruurta abaal-marinnada daryeelka-ka warhelay dhaawacyada ayaa lagu dhejin doonaa bogga hore ee daryeelka-ka war-helka ah ee DCYF 24:28
  • Magacaabidda Labada-Luuqadood 25:27
  • Q&A toos ah 30:42

 Eeg Webinar

Calaamadaha Waqtiga Fiidiyowga:

  • Hordhac 0:00
  • Tilmaanta Sharci dejinta Labada Luqadeed 0:17
  • Wadashaqeynta Dibadda iyo Gudaha ee Magacaabidda 1:21
  • La-talinta Dibadda ayaa la aqoonsaday  ahmiyadaha loogu talagalay 2:15
  • Horumarka La-talinta Magacaabidda Labada Luuqadood 3:08
  • Jawaab  bixiyaasha  Sahanka Labada  Luuqadood 4:29
  • Sahanka Bixiyaha Labada Luuqadood – Natiijooyinka 5:17
  • Naqshad Waxbarasho & Qiimeyn heer-Caalami ah oo  loo yaqaan  (WIDA) 8:14
  • Xubinimada kooxda Sanadalaha ee WIDA 9:24
  • Iskaashiga Bulshada oo looyaqaan DLL 10:37

Qeexitaanka Labada Luuqadood FAQS