What is it about this job that interests you most?

The employer wants to know if you are interested in the work itself, and not just the hours, pay and benefits.

What you want to say:

Name one thing that is related to either customer service or team work.

“I like the opportunity to work with customers so that I can see first hand the way my work affects people.”

Then, name another thing that is related to your skills.

“I also look forward to using my clerical skills and to improve my skills.”

2. What about the job is not of interest to you?

What the employer really wants to know:

The employer is looking for a match between you and the realities of the job.

What you want to say:

Name one thing that is NOT the most frequent or important duty of the job

“The least interesting part of the job to me is the filing…”

Go on and say something that will convince the employer that you will do this task well even if it is not especially interesting.

“…but I know how important it is to do that well. I find that if I don’t let the filing stack up and keep it done on a regular schedule, then it is just a routine part of the day that I can do accurately and quickly.”

3.Do you prefer working with others or independently?

What the employer really wants to know:

The employer is looking for a match between you and the actual job situation.

What you want to say:

State your preference.

“I prefer a combination of these.”

Then, build a bridge between your preference and this job.

“One of the things that attracts me to your job here is the chance to be a part of a team, but at the same time having certain areas that I will be responsible for doing on my own.”

4. Where would you like to be in five years?

What the employer really wants to know:

The employer probably wants to know both that you are interested in doing this job well, and that you have career goals for your future.

What you want to say:

Start by affirming your interest in this job.

“Right now I am mostly interested in learning this job and doing it well.”

Then, briefly name a career goal that you genuinely have.

“But I would like to improve my computer skills so that I will qualify for a more advanced technical job here in the future.”