Finding work that you can do well, that has meaning, and, yes, that you can enjoy is very important. Consider that, once you get a job, you might be spending eight or more hours a day doing it. That’s a big chunk of your life! You’ll want to make the most of it. The following is a short guide to starting in the world of work. There are three basic things you need to know:

  1. The benefits you can provide an employer
  2. How to communicate these benefits to employers
  3. How to find the right fit – an employer who wants the benefits you provide and who can meet your most important needs

Know the Benefits You Provide

To find and get the best job there are some very important things you’ll want to know. First, consider that you present an opportunity for many employers even if you have no job experience. The Discover Your Skills section gives you important information about how you can get a job that is a good fit, a job where you will do well, even with no experience! The importance of knowing how you can provide an important service to employers cannot be understated. Otherwise, it’s easy to get in the situation of being a situation of being desperate for any job, regardless of whether you enjoy it or not. It is not fun and it’s not effective either. Once you know you have something to offer, the job search can become much more enjoyable and meaningful. It will also help you land a job where you will be more effective and have more opportunities for even better jobs in the future.

Communicate Your Benefits

Once you know what you have to offer, the next step is to know how to get your skills, especially your motivated skills across to employers that need those skills. Cover lettersjob applicationsresumesjob interviews, and even thank you letters serve as important means to communicate all the ways you can help an employer. You may not need to use all the tools above. However, the skills of speaking and writing about how you can help employers (or customers) will serve you throughout your life. They are worth practicing.

Find the Right Fit

So, now that you know what you can offer you may need to go out and find employers that will be interested. VolunteeringFinding Hidden JobsJob AdsNetworkingEmployer Research, and Approaching Employers In Person all provide ways to find employers that provide a good match for what you offer.