JR uses a research-based and trauma-informed approach to rehabilitation and treatment. We engage young people and their families in the process, which is central to our approach in both residential and aftercare settings. Rehabilitation follows the principles of Risk, Need, and Responsivity (RNR) and the principles of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Young people participate in various treatment groups to address mental health and behavioral issues.  

Residential Care

JR utilizes several different treatment programs in our secure facilities and community group homes, which are described on this website. The goal of these programs is to help young people assess their previous and current behaviors and encourage them to learn new skills that will help them return to their communities as safer community members who are more prepared to succeed than when they arrived.

Coaching and Case Management

All young people in JR facilities are assigned a Case Manager who works with the young person to examine their behaviors, needs, and goals, including the criminal behavior that resulted in their incarceration. Needs to be addressed are prioritized using a Needs Assessment that follows RNR principles:

  • Risk (for future offending), 
  • Needs (changeable factors that can be positively influenced through education, services, resources, and positive connections) and 
  • Responsivity (individual learning, culture, and developmental considerations).

Case managers consider needs that are identified in several life domains to focus and prioritize their support efforts with the young people on their caseload.  The life domains identified in the Needs Assessment include Family and Peer relationships, substance use, Attitudes, skills, behaviors, aggression, school, work, and mental health.

Case Managers are responsible for working with all young people in JR care to connect them with programs, resources, and positive relationships that can help them increase their ability to meet their needs in healthy, legal, and safe ways. They are also responsible for keeping family members informed regarding challenges, progress, and accomplishments. 

Case Managers and other JR staff, contractors, and volunteers make referrals for specialized treatment when those needs are identified through assessments, observation, or at the young person’s request.