Each JDAI site identifies a local JDAI coordinator to be the point person for information gathering, reporting, and implementation of the JDAI model at the local level. All seven coordinators meet individually on a monthly basis with the JDAI state coordinator to review progress on each site’s implementation plan, discuss contract budgets and possible amendments, and review site data for accuracy. 

Additionally, all local JDAI coordinators meet quarterly as a group along with the JDAI state coordinator to share with each other and dive deeper into each of the JDAI core strategies, implementation, and impact in each local site. This meeting is key in keeping sites connected to each other and supports relationship building across sites as a foundation for learning and growth.

Members from the JDAI State Steering Committee, as well as representatives from their local jurisdictions, volunteer to serve on this workgroup in order to focus collaboratively on the need for reliable and accurate data. This workgroup meets on a regular basis at a frequency that meets the need of current projects. The workgroup is chaired by Dr. Amanda Gilman and is also supported by Rachael Sanford, both of the Washington State Center for Court Research (WSCCR). None of the products produced by this workgroup would be possible without the partnership and support of WSCCR.

Responsibilities of this workgroup include the production of the Biennial JDAI Data Report, published every other year, which provides an in-depth data analysis of outcomes and impact of JDAI within the formal JDAI sites in Washington State. Additionally, the workgroup has produced the Data Guidelines Document, which contains data definitions for all the primary data points collected by the local juvenile justice systems within the state and is currently in the implementation phase.

Washington State Juvenile Detention Data Guidelines, 2021

JDAI 2019 Data Report

JDAI 2020-2021 Data Report