Automatic Enrollment into Apple Health Core Connections Started April 1, 2016

In 2013, the Washington State Legislature directed the Health Care Authority (HCA) to "…transfer children receiving medical care provided through fee-for-service to medical care provided through managed care."* Through a competitive bidding process, HCA selected Coordinated Care of Washington as the successful bidder to operate a single managed care plan that will provide physical and behavioral health care services to:

  • Children and youth in the placement and care authority of DSHS
  • Youth participating in Extended Foster Care up to age 21
  • Youth who age out of foster care up to age 26
  • Children and youth in the Adoption Support program up to age 21

Note: Children in the care and custody of a federally recognized tribe in Washington State are not automatically enrolled into AHCC; however these children may choose to enroll in Coordinated Care, another Apple Health managed care plan, or remain fee-for-service.